Esteban Blinding-Sun



2 months, 14 days ago


House: Water

Kingdom/location/origin: (In a location where his family's mansion would have a clear view on the sea.)

Pokemon: Charcadet

DND kind: Anthro

Birthday: 1st November ****

Age: 21

Height: 6'6

Body-type: Balanced

Gender & pronoun: Demi-guy (He/they)



Clever - Humorous - Stubborn - Confident - Reckless - Impulsive

Impulsive, unstable, anxiety come and go in an unpredictable manner has he can 100% vibe then suddenly don't at all, reckless at the same being a coward, joke a lot, he may try to flirt, but will crumble and stumble if he get flirted back might go toward a less friendly attitude(tsun) has a defense. Like making fun of other, but also can make fun of himself. Can play an act very well even if he got a temper.

Like: Laughing, yelling(He like yelling not listening to yelling), friendly rivalry, thunderstorm, firecamp, cheese.

Dislike: Lies(from others), losing, voluntary self-poisoning(alchool & alike), being looked down, feeling isolated, darkness, spicy food, thin space.

Orientation: Asexual panromantic


History notes: 

  • From a rich family. 
  • He got 4 elder siblings. He is the youngest.
  • Been reckless and impulsive since childhood. Been the type that sneak out home to experience the outside world in secret multiple times. His parents tried so many ways to prevent this, but Esteban showed to be quite intelligent.
  • Through his small escapes he got to develop an ability at decieving and fight in a decieving way sometime almost mimicking a drunk state behavior.
  • Got cursed at some point (at 13 years old). He doesn't know when or where, doesn't even know he is actually cursed, but he is well aware he do have people that despise him.(Whoever cursed him made sure he wouldn't remember/know who did it) The curse is barely noticeable since he doesn't create any particular effect when it activate and so can't be sensed easily when until it happened. The curse bring Esteban bad luck when someone or himself in his surrounding seem hopeful/confident things will go alright.
  • Since this curse was applied multiple unbelievable unlucky events kept happening to Esteban forcing him to grow even better reflexes. And also even made him accustomed to healing magic's effects.
    • A feral wolf managed to sneak it's way into Esteban's bedroom and bite him.(damaged his left leg on his left)
    • A lost arrow from a hunter hit him into the chest.(damaged his chest on his right)
    • A chariot lost control of their horses and almost trampled him.(damaged his side on his left)
    • A drunk man mistaked him for someone else and stabbed him in the back.(damaged his back on his left)
    • A brick fell off a wall and hit his knee while he was waiting for someone sitting on a bench that was against the wall.(damaged his right knee)
    • A javeline dug into his feet upon being dropped from an upper height by accident.(damaged his left feet)
    • A feral bear escaped it's cage and clawed him before it was stopped.(damaged his left arm and his lower back on his right)
    • A fire exploded after some dangerous elements were dropped in it by accident while he was nearby it.(damaged his right arm)
    • A person that he got in trouble with managed to find him back and almost managed to cut off his head.(damaged his neck)
    • A feral talonflamme attacked him out of nowhere while he was taking a stroll on the shore. (damaged his left eye)
    • During a festival some firecrackers had a failure making those explode late right over Esteban (damaged the upper right of his back)
    • One of his eldest siblings was practicing ice magic and it fucked up at a bad timing aka; Esteban entering the training space right at this moment (damaged his right hand)
  • His parents don't really know what is wrong with him. Why he doesn't sit still ever and seem to lack of self-control. They tried, but it's clearly out of their reach. 
  • Sending him at the academy is a desperate solution Esteban's parents came up with.


Basic abilities: Bad luck curse, fire light, decieving street figther, cold resistance.

Dnd page:


Physical aspects/details:

Fire head: It's a magic ligth that emanate warmth similar to sunligth that has no effect physically beside this and so can go through anything. It express Esteban's feeling acting like a fire.

Fire scarf: It's a magic ligth that emanate warmth similar to sunligth that has no effect physically beside this and so can go through anything. It express Esteban's feeling acting like a fire.

2 tails: similar emotion expressivity to fox/dog. Pretty fluffy even if pretty short.

Fur: Soft thick and warm