


5 years, 8 months ago


Kiyoshi Asada

Kiyoshi Asada
朝多 偉史
Romanized Kanji
ALSO KNOWN ASKiyoshi-senpai
Kiyo (when younger)
Stressed student
AGE17-18 (P3)
DATE OF BIRTHFebruary 18th, 1991
HEIGHT175cm (5’ 9”)

”I never really put much thought into who I was, only who I was supposed to be.”
―[ Kiyoshi, Persona 3 ]

[ Kiyoshi Asada ][ is a third-year student at Gekkoukan High School, and a Persona-user affiliated with SEES. He’s also the younger brother of Tsuneo



Kiyoshi is 5’ 9” in stocking feet. He has a slim, but athletic build from Kendo. He has medium brown hair that is worn long, it frames his face and reaches to his shoulders at the longest and blue eyes.
His winter school uniform consists of a blue sweater under the official school uniform jacket, and a large camo pin with a galaxy pattern on the centerpiece at the top of his tie


"”Everything I tried not to be - everything I thought I was - was based on a phantom that never even existed. How do you deal with that!?"
―KiyoshiPersona 3

Kiyoshi is one of the top students at school, vice-captain of the school’s kendo team, and helps out with the health committee. He’s friendly with most student and the teachers all seem to like him. However, even though he’s friendly with people that approach him, he rarely attempts to speak with people for mere pleasure and seems to be busy all the time.. As a result, some students consider him rather aloof or even arrogant, something that would shock him if he ever found out about it. He doesn’t consider himself that type of person, although later on he would be willing to admit that he wasn’t even sure what type of person he was trying to be.
Although he doesn’t like to admit it, part of the reason he takes on so many responsibilities and pushes himself with his grades is so that he’s exhausted when it comes time for him to sleep. He’s found that he has trouble dropping off if he doesn’t do that, in part because his mind will start going in circles and bringing up memories or things about his family that he’s trying not to think to hard about. He would rather just be so tired that he can’t think or focus at all.
This is in part because of how much subtle pressure he’s been put under by his adoptive parents. Since he was taken in by them when he was young, and people told them he was lucky he got taken in by such nice people, he felt he had to live up to their expectations. Thus most of his outer person, and much of his own internal expectations of himself, have been based on trying to match up with the archetype of the ‘perfect son’.
Or more precisely, he was trying to be the opposite of what the adults around him had been telling him his older brother was like since he was young. He had been told that his older brother was an ungrateful delinquent who had run away to join a gang. No wanting people to despise him like they did Tsuneo, he decided he would be careful to never be like him.
He had been hearing since he had come to live with his adoptive parents, from their friends and other relatives, how his adoptive parents were incredibly kind for taking him in. He has tried his best to live up to their expectations. But his adoptive parents were very appearance focused and that has affected him more than he wants to admit.
His parents were very conscious of their reputations, their looks, and they way others thought of them. Thus Kiyoshi has also developed a hyper awareness of what other think of him. He was pressured to always maintain a put-together appearance in public, so he tends to take great care with ow he looks. He hates being seen as scruffy, and even when his hair starts to grow out he’s careful to maintain it. He almost never appears outside of his room unless he’s groomed and well-put together, even when it’s a trip to something like Momentos where he knows he’ll come back completely messed up. Although not that vain, he has a tendency to become extremely self-conscious if he starts to think that he’s becoming sloppy. He cares a great deal about his reputation too, because of his parents always tell him that it was important. He tries to stay out of trouble because of that.
However, lately he’s become very dissatisfied with himself. As he’s come into his third-year, and is staring down the barrel of graduation and college applications, he’s realized that he has no idea what he wants. Yes, he turned into a list of high-end colleges and good jobs like ‘lawyer’ or ‘doctor’, but they weren’t things he had put down because he was passionate about them but because they were things that people had assured him were good choices. They were the careers and colleges you were ‘supposed’ to pick if you were successfully.
Everything he has done, he has come to realize, were things he was ‘supposed’ to do -because they made his adoptive parents happy. He had picked clothes that were completely normal because it made him fit in. He had worn his hair shorter for years because his mother had said it made him look proper. He did good in school because a good student was supposed to get good grades. He had only one or two hobbies outside of things that he did in school because had dropped things his parents had disapproved of. Even his ‘friends’ were usually the sort of people that his parents approved of, and it was hard to for him to make close friends with people because he was always worried about if they were the ‘right’ sort of person. Even the clubs he had joined had been because he wanted to prove that he was different from the older brother that was supposed to be ‘antisocial’ It wasn’t until he joined SEES and came to live in the dorm that he started to realize that he had no idea who he was as a person or any idea what he really wanted out of life. It makes him unbearably anxious when he thinks about it, and is the primary reason he works himself to exhaustion. Because examining his dissatisfaction with himself leads him to think about his adoptive family and he’s been avoiding that issue.
He sometimes honestly feels inadequate because he sees some of the other SEES members as being more passionate than him. They have their own interests and passions, and he wishes he could live up to that. He doesn’t even think of himself as being that smart despite his grades. He would just say that he got good at studying and did almost nothing but study.
As a person Kiyoshi is very precise and detailed oriented. He can be more than a bit of perfectionist and becomes anxious when he can’t live up to the expectations he or his parents have placed on him. He is friendly to most people and generally does want to help, but he gets distracted by otherthinking. He’s actually very loyal, though he can get very emotional. He’s just become very good at never showing it.
His one true passion that he has for himself his history, but his mother thought it was boring, so he never considered it as being worth something. Some of his dorm mates actually started to ask him about the subject, though while he’s very good at making history more interesting than their teachers, if he warms up to the subject he can go on for a long time. He always gets very embarrassed about letting himself do that though. He also his very good at making miniature models and dioramas. They can be found all over his room, though he rarely shows them to anyone.
After Tsuneo shows up in his life again, and blows the problems he’s been having with his parents wide-open, Kiyoshi lashes out at his brother for a bit. He blames him for all the uncertainty in his life, at least until he leans to face himself honestly.


Early Life

PKiyoshi’s parents died when he was very young, and he doesn’t really remember them much. He and Tsuneo stayed with their Grandfather for a year or so, until he became ill and couldn’t care for them anymore. He remembered some arguments over where they would go, then one day a woman showed up, said she was mother’s younger sister and he would be staying with them for now on. At first he was excited, but that only lasted until hurriedly clarified that she was only taking him, not Tsuneo as well. He grew upset, then grew even more upset when Tsuneo just told him to go with her, like it wasn’t a big deal. Why didn’t he care?
Over the next few months, Kiyoshi slowly adjusted to his new family, though he was resentful at first. They expected him to be okay with Tsuneo? Why? And why did Tsuneo not care. There was one phone call from him promising they would see each other at some point, but he wouldn’t say when, just told him to please get along with their Aunt and Uncle. He promised he would try.
When his birthday came around though, he asked if Tsuneo could come celebrate with him. His Uncle quickly agreed, though is Aunt looked faintly. Still, Tsuneo did show up at the park to meet them, and he got to the zoo and spend time with him. One of Kiyoshi’s strongest memories from that time is when he convinced Tsuneo to play hide and seek with him, then climbed a tree to hide. He got stuck, but it was his brother who climbed to get him down. He scraped his arms while going it, greatly upsetting his younger brother. Tsuneo just ruffled his hair though, and told him not worry, since he was the older brother and it was his job to do things like that.
After that, there was one more phone call from Tsuneo...then silence. He waited and waited since Tsuneo said he would call again, but his brother said nothing. Neither of his foster parents would give him an answer as to why, his uncle telling him that he was ‘probably busy’ and his aunt telling him not to worry. When his birthday came again, he asked if Tsuneo could come like before. This time he was told ‘we’ll see’ and when the day came, was told that Tsuneo couldn’t make it. He was also told strenly not to sulk when he was unhappy about this.
Another year came and went, and once again Tsuneo didn’t show up when he wanted him to come to his birthday. His aunt told him that it was ‘just as well’ and said that Tsuneo might not be interested in birthdays anymore, and was again told to not throw tantrums over it. Kiyoshi still tried for a while after that but the adults told him to stop asking, finally earning his aunt snapping at him that his brother was a ‘bad influence’ and a delinquent that they would not let him get involved with. It didn’t mesh with what he remembered, but arguing was useless. He wondered which side was true, and had almost started to believe his aunt.
Then one day he came home from school to find a letter addressed to him in the mail, the first one he had ever gotten. To his shock, it was from his brother. Tsuneo apologized for not being a good big brother, and told him that he wanted to see him but couldn’t right now. He said that he was just working through something, and would come see him once he had gotten it sorted out.
His aunt saw him reading the letter and asked him what it was. She nearly snatched it out of his hand when he said it was from his brother, and scowled when she read it herself, but eventually did give it back to him. He wanted to write his brother back, but she quickly pointed out that he was busy and probably didn’t want to be bothered. It was probably better to wait until he got ahold of him again, wasn’t it?
Kiyoshi reluctantly allowed himself to be convinced, and went on waiting. Another year went by before he got another letter from Tsuneo, telling him that he was working hard so he could graduate and trying to improve himself. He apologized again for making him wait and said next year he would find a way to see him. This time, Kiyoshi had made up his mind to write back….but it got pushed out his mind momentarily when his aunt announced that they would be moving to Iwatodai City because of his Uncle’s job. It happened so fast he barely had time to process it or even say goodbye. His being upset about it was once again greeted with annoyance, and he was told that he was being disrespectful. They had brought him in without asking him for anything after all. Not all children were that lucky.
By the time he was adjusted and started thinking about writing back, he realized that he couldn’t find either of the letters his brother had sent. Neither his Aunt or Uncle had seen them and assumed he had accidently lost them in the chaos of the move. Not wanting to be seen as a burden again, he tried to pretend he wasn’t disappointed. Still, he did finally ask his Aunt if he could have Tsuneo’s address so he could write to him, tell him where he was now at all...and was bluntly told that no one knew where he was because he had run away and joined a gang. He didn’t want to believe it, but when he tried to say that his brother wouldn’t do that, he was scolded, told that a child wouldn’t understand, and sometimes people just weren’t who they say they were. He was told not be ungrateful again, and from them on questions about his brother were just ignored.
No letters came from his brother after that. Over the next few years he was offical adopted by his foster parents. He tried to do well in school. And always, always, there was the whispers from his relatives about what had happened with his brother. Never said directly to him of course, but when others came to visit, someone would mention how good they were to take him, keep him away from the bad influence of his brother. That Tsuneo was a thug, a disgrace, why didn’t he think about the sort of shame he brought to the relatives who had tried their best with him. Who knew where he was after all this time? Really, the relative that had taken Tsuneo in was a saint for even given that boy a chance, it’s a miracle she hadn’t kicked him out, since they wouldn’t have put up with that behavior.
Thank goodness Kiysohi wasn’t like that. He was such a sweet child. A shame that his brother hadn’t had the chance.
It wormed his way into Kiyoshi’s mind. Slowly he started to accept that reality. That Tsuneo simply wasn’t what he remembered. Especially as he grew older, he convinced himself that he needed to be mature and just accept that. It was easy to look back fondly on childhood memories, but that was all they were.
He tried to make sure that no one would ever think he was becoming like his brother. He studied, went to school, tried to be make friends. If his new mother thought something or someone was being a bad influence on him, he dropped it. He didn’t want to cause them trouble, didn’t want them to have a reason to think maybe he would need to be kicked out. He wasn’t him after all.
In his second year, he awoke to his Persona and moved into the dorms after being recruited into SEES. It was his first time living away from home since he’d been taken in by his foster parents...and it was the first time he had time to think about things. Like how closely his mother watched his friends or hobbies. Realizing how few hobbies he actually had outside of school. And a sneaking doubt in the corner of his mind sometimes, where he would compare how he had been told his brother ‘ran away’ at the beginning of his first year in high school, but he got a letter after that…
And then when he went back home during the break between school starting his mother being completely shocked by how long his hair had gotten since he’d been too busy with everything to get it cut. He ended up panicking and telling her that he would get it cut soon….and then finally sat back and wondered why he was so upset.
That was when he realized that he had spend so much of his life trying not to be Tsuneo he had forgotten to figure out who Kiyoshi actually was. .

The Journey

He shows up at the dorm a few days later because of ‘family issues. Spends part of the next few weeks asking people if they think his hair is too long.

Social Link

Mostly concerned with coming to terms with himself, and gaining confidence his own choices rather than choices other people are telling him are good. Also connected to acknowledging what his parents did and stop blaming Tsuneo for everything as he reconnects with his brother.



The Answer


Persona 4



Party Member

Character Exclusive Conditions and stats


  • He and Tsuneo have different family names because of his adoption.
  • Very few people know that Kiyoshi is adopted at all because he calls his aunt and uncle ‘mother and father’.
  • Even when he’s acknowledging what his family did to him with their expectations, complicated feelings of gratitude towards them still means he’ll get defensive if someone else criticizes them.
  • Kiyoshi is actually nearsighted, and wears contacts most of the time. The only time he’ll be seen wearing his glasses is during a life-or-death emergency that sees him unable to put them in or during the final days leading to exams when he’s completely and utterly frazzled.
  • TBA

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Glasses-Dog