


2 months, 19 days ago


Name: Quinn

Age: idk

Pronouns: They/Them

Quinn is an explorer from Hocotate. After learning about the planet PNF-404 they had an urge to explore it in hopes of studying the biodiversity of the planet and also to snag a few treasures along the way. They are passionate about biology and enjoy studying ecosystems and how each organism serves its role. They hope to become famed someday for their discoveries which is a driving motive for them to go to the planet.

They formed a crew called the Survey Squadron to map out undiscovered regions of PNF-404 after convincing their friend Mariya to lend her ship to tag along with them. They also recruited a young explorer named Tray to help out and was accompanied by a rescue officer named Aurelia who makes sure the crew stays out of harm's way. Acting as the scientist/medic of the group, Quinn is determined to make sure the expedition goes smoothly and nobody gets hurt badly, though their inexperience means things still go wrong.

Quinn is rather quiet and methodical, if a bit oblivious to certain things. They try to plan things in advance though sometimes they get too excited about something and rush ahead, forgetting crucial details to look out for, which is evident in them planning the expedition in the first place, not realising how dangerous PNF-404 is. They enjoy the company of their crew members but can sometimes be easily annoyed, particularly by Tray. They've been friends with Mariya for a long time and she was the first person he asked about the expedition. He has a strong bond with her and has a crush on her which she is completely oblivious to.

(Other characters mentioned are characters of friends)