Morjechktec Paprika



2 months, 2 days ago



Called Fog Bringer,Spiceman,Pap

Gender Masc/Agender

Pronouns He/Him

Age Recorded to be approx- above 6-700+

Race/Species Megaloceros/IrishElk, in human disguises he's european specifically irish

Role Ancient Deity working amongst a forest

Theme Elephant - Bôa

HTML Pinky

Diary Entry



Human Form

Height 6'7

Build Muscular, but still lean/bony

Eye Blue, the other being missing

Skin Tone Vampiric pale, with red freckles, and blue tinted lips

Hair Color White and blue

Hair Style Lengthy and curled, oftentimes he pins it half up-half down.

Demeanor Unreadable expression, awkward talking.


  • In deer form, he's massive, thin curved neck, with the signature large irish elk antlers.
  • Paprika usually looks thin and nimble, but pummels the earth with the front mechanical limbs, if not the antlers.
  • He usually has a resting face with less of a visible expression, heavy eye with a tendency to express through word to make up for this.
  • In human form, he often wears thick, lengthy, robelike clothing.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

Paprika is particular, commonly described as a "chaotic good" with a tinge of optimism that will fuel his chaos with the most sincere intentions for the wellbeing of others, he's morally grey, but is a loyal protector. Often times he's awkward when talking to others, but he always tries to give an open hand to new people he meets, willing to give more love towards things percieved as "looked down upon." And see most terror in the world vindicating for his personal healing journey throughout years. He's curious, poetic, and finds beauty in anything



Paprika adores figs as they remain the only food he can still taste.

Home Decor

After learning more about the humans around him, he started to get into adorning his temple into something comfrotable for his tastes, and his partner's.


Paprika tends to go in human form and travel amngst the countrside of the highlands near The Fog Pit.

Constantly learning and writing

Finding other oddities and entities like him, or learning about humans always warms his heart deeply.


Loud bustling crowds

Something about them is compromising and terrifying.

A good 50% of Humanity's ugly parts

As Paprika works with or speaks with those who visit, he found himself reasonably repulsed by discrimination of any kind, specifically organized institutions hit too close to home.

Lack of sleep/being woken up

Paprika is often a poor sleeper.

Useage of his previous name-Anything from his homeland

Paprika refuses to relive things he's already recovered from, but he tries to avoid a part of life that did him no good whatsoever.


His favorite pastimes

Making Windchimes

Paprika adores using various different tools to make decorum around his temple, and in the "house" part, he loves using them to determine wind currents.

Collecting vases

Some are gifts from Jasper, but often times he loves to collect various vases.


Potatoes are not one of the foods he can taste, but he loves the diverse recipe options, mostly for his partner or anyone in the forest.

Spending time amongst those closest to him

It's reasurring to know he's not alone.



An allusive, yet kind stag depicted in art across many civilizations for years, said to have a body made of adapting mechanical properties, each millenia's depiction of him evolves with him. Named after a spice that he looks almost peppered by, his titles morphed into various names of spices, to what it is now, as Paprika. Paprika is used to human, rather cannot put an ideal imput on the species without going into the nuances of what makes them suddenly the best versions of themselves when in his eye, but what also could compell tendencies for them to make him a possession, or why they can become gluttonous and greedy, but what facinated him was perhaps the way they treated their own. He dare not bother on some days, if to be treated like a deity, or something to watch, or perhaps something to obtain self servingly with no true efforts to seek personal power, he still will not subcribe to man-made ideals. Despite being acknowledged spiritually as something beyond an organism on earth.

Paprika, however, tends to find a soft spot for other stags, or human men, or humans who carry themselves in ambiguity gender-wise, who mayhaps even love like he does. Biological sex not particularly something he cares for, for he sees personhood beyond the binds of bodily cages.

Place of birth.

Paprika has a technicality of a "true name", Morjechktec. It's a rather complicated name, from a language in parts of a peninsula from afterlife principalities.The Peninsula is a rather complex area that evolved into North, East, South, and West communities, different cultures, and all who reside are not mortal, but have a rather strange way of achieving "death" which to this day is unsolved.The Peninsula, from outside places, appears to be a faulty design, there's truly nothing to stop it's capability from taking spirits into it's underbelly, a frost covered forest, where your soul blossoms into a misty silhouette to roam amongst it. Civilizations were built there, however, it's strange occurrances becoming a normal. The Peninsula was descovered by a collective, with one deity amongst them finding Paprika whilst on various travels outside Peninsula bounds. He was a wolf with a brash callousness about the world he'd been brought in, constantlty putting himself in compromising scenarios, far too much trouble amongst his other heavenly peers.Stumbling upon a strange fawn, would unfortunately bring the wolf more trouble amongst his pantheon, for he believed this fawn was a potential threat if in the wrong supervision, despite the dangers of even taking on a parental role for it. Thankfully, despite his foolish abrasiveness, this impulse-decision brought him a safegaurd behind The Peninsula's bounds, amongst his closest peers in the collective this fawn would continue to grow up under the name Morjechktec (More-jeh-tech) to the gradual shift of spice-related names once he was driven out of The Peninsula. Into one of the earth's forests. Morjechktec was inconsollable, terrified of what would happen next, he was a newfound adolescent and was forced to finish his formative years alongside the earthly bounds, without his 'father' without anything to remember him with besides the remaining humans who believed in him. His father's principalities tried to purge of every shrine left, as punishment for him choosing to leave for The Peninsula with a rejected god's embryo.

Resilience in a forest surrounded by a river, deep in a pit of fog

It was desolate, until Morjechktec had met the worshippers of his father. Who seemingly welcomed him with open arms for centuries to come. But Morjechtec was furious at the thought of The Peninsula with his name derrived from their language. With the shift of spice-related names, he quickly enamored himself over each one, not really growing attatched to either or. With Paprika being the one he let stick.

(More to be added here)







When Paprika's father got involved with The Collective, he was romantically involved with another member who had adopted a small owl named Snail. They both ended up bonding over shared fathers, a bond that currently is rather strained after Paprika was shunned from The Peninsula. Both fathers turned to mists, whilst Snail tried their hardest to purge their homeland of the Principalities, hopeful to find their brother again to this day.



Romantic Partner

Jasper is a sculptor who loves to visit the countryside nearby where Paprika's home stands. He was never familiar with the practices of the elderly there, unaware that Paprika was a deity to begin with, assuming the man he fell in love with was a kind spirit who so happened to find him. Of course Jasper fell into an adoration with him, making sculptures of Paprika unknowingly to his status, just in love with every factor of what made Paprika. A human who willingly ran into the forest with his lover.



Former member of The Collective

SunStar was a member of The Collective and dearly close with Paprika's fathers and became a caretaker for the descendants of them that remain, she was firmly against the false shunning that was conducted, but in the end left The Peninsula for good. Back to guiding spirits and still writing to Snail and another descendant, Arachnid. Paprika found comfort amongst her, but nowadays he fears she resents him just as much as he assumes Snail does.