Serenity Snape



2 months, 18 days ago



  •  Name  Serenity (Serena) Abigail Snape 
  •  Age  12 
  •  Gender  Female 
  •  Birthday  March 25 
  •  Year 
  •  Height  5'3" 
  •  Nationality  American/English 
  •  Relationship Status  Single 
  •  Hogwarts House  Slytherin 
  •  Blood Status  Half-Breed 
  •  Wand  11 3/4" Beechwood, Dragon Heartstring Core 
  •  Patronus  Unknown 

Upbeat - Passionate - Loving

Serena was born in London England but not long after she was born, her mom left her in New York City, USA. Her hair is 2 toned, one side black as night, the other blood red. She as a strange wing-shaped markings on her back. Like her mother, she has a natural beauty look to her. Cute button nose, wide beautiful blue-grey eyes, and full lips. She has a upbeat and energetic personality. Always able to make friends everywhere she goes. Despite being left with a clan of vampires, not knowing who her parents were, not having any friends her age, she was still a pretty happy child. She was taught how to read, write, and play a sad child to lure in humans for a late night snack for the vampires. They did teach her to read and write; however, vampires are not the best teacher so she had to go to a real school. 


Her first day started out really well She even found some other kids to play with on her lunch break. It wasn't long before some mean girls came by, demanding that Serena and her friends let them have the sandbox. This started to tick off Serena and she told the mean girls to leave them alone. The mean girl laughed and kicked down what Serena had built, making her even angrier. Serena stood up and wanted to push the mean girl down but the mean girl fell backwards on her own. Serena started to giggle until the mean girl touched her head and found she was bleeding. A nearby teacher came over to check on the girl and demanded that Serena come with her to the principal's office, thinking that Serena had pushed her. 

Not wanting to get in trouble for something she didn't do, Serena tried to run away but the teacher grabbed her by the arm and started pulling her back towards the school. Serena screamed no and the teacher flew forward, releasing Serena's arm in the process. Then it felt like the world froze for a moment. The students and teachers starred in utter shock. Serena joined in that shock until she realized that the shocked looks were directed at her. Whispering erupted yet strangely Serena could hear it as if they were all right next to her. Most sounded confused on what they just witnessed. First a student, now a teacher, both involving Serena. She questioned herself if she had been the one that hurt them. She never touched them but everyone around  her whispering that she did. 

When Serena heard someone mention the Police, she knew she had to run out of there, and run she did. She ran so far down the street, she found herself lost, becoming more scared by the second. Some adults walking by trying to ask her if she was lost and Serena just kept walking, trying her best to ignore them. 

Eventually a Police car pulled up next to her and Serena was frozen in fear. The Police Officers tried to calmly talk to her but she was so on edge, she yelled at them to leave her alone. She didn't want to hurt anyone. The female officer took a step towards Serena which pushed her over the edge. Then it felt like the world froze again, the empty police car was flipped into the air and landed upside down. Hitting other cars and creating an incredible amount of damage. Tears started to flood Serena's eyes. She couldn't understand why this kept happening to her let alone why it all started today. She didn't think about it for long because then everything went black. 

Serena woke up in a room she didn't recognize. The walls were white and looked really clean. She went to sit up but found herself tied down to the bed. Her head was still rather hazy and it was hard to focus on anything let alone crying for help. Serena then heard a loud bang and saw some of the vampires from the clan standing over her. They were all covered in blood that probably wasn't  their own. They ripped the straps off the table, freeing her, and took out of the room. It wasn't long until she lost consciousness again. 

When she awoke, she recognized the familiar smells of home, and felt like she could finally rest. Serena could hear some arguing coming from the leader's office. She put her ear to the door to listen, hoping it wasn't about her.  The door went flying open and before she could even react, she was pulled into the room. That same vampire started demanding they tie her up until they could figure out what happened. Serena started to cry and beg for them not to but they were oblivious stronger then her. She was thrown over the vampire's shoulder, kicking and screaming. They took her down to the basement and chained her to the wall.

 She spent the rest of the night crying out for help but no one came. The next day, the leader of the clan, Gunner Peral, came into her cell. Serena felt a moment of relief because Gunner was the closest person she had to a parent. There was no way he would leave her like this. Gunner locked the door and unlocked her chains. He brought her food and asked her to tell him what happened. Serena explained everything to him but she couldn't help but notice the worry in Gunner's eyes were growing. Once Serena was finished, Gunner gave her a sad look and asked her to forgive him. He grabbed her arms and chained her back up to the wall and left the room. Serena again cried all night long.

 A few days later, Serena looked up to see the door to the cell unlocked. Gunner and an old man walked in. The old man's jaw dropped and started shouting at Gunner. Serena started laughing at the sight. Here was an old man yelling at a powerful vampire with no fear in his voice. The old man demanded she be unchained from the wall and taken out of the dangly basement. As they were leaving to head back upstairs. The old man introduced himself as Albus Dumbledore.

Back upstairs, Dumbledore asked Serena about her first day at school. She started to cry but Dumbledore assured her that there was nothing wrong with her. He explained to her that some people can perform magic and that was what happened that day. He told her about a school called Hogwarts and that if Gunner was ok with it, they would love for her to join them when she turned 11. 

Four years have passed and Serena had improved in her magic since Gunner started teaching her. Dumbledore had left some book to teach young witch and wizards magic. It was her 10th birthday and she could hardly wait to become 11 so she could go to Hogwarts. For now she just had to keep practicing and try to be patient. Despite her improvements, there were still some vampires that did not trust her. They would give her dirty looks and act like she didn't exist. It hurt her a lot though she tried to hide as much as she could. 

As everyone gathered in the dinner hall for birthday cake. Serena's acute hearing heard some of the mean vampires commenting that they were surprised she even made it to 10 years. The continued to say that they couldn't believe she didn't get herself killed by her misuse of magic or pissing off the wrong vampire. What really got irked Serena was when they started making fun of Gunner, saying he has gotten soft when she came around. Anger took over and the cutting knife for the cake went flying across the room, right into the mean vampire's eyes. Serena found herself back in the basement but only with one hand chained this time. More angry than sad, she demanded to be released, she was only defending Gunner, especially since he had been gone this past week and couldn't defend himself. 

The longer she was locked up, the more furious she became. She never felt like this before, the power coming from this anger was addicting, she could get used to this. Suddenly she heard a voice but couldn't see anyone that matched. It started to talk to her, tell her to get revenge for Gunner, that they deserve it, and Serena agreed. With new found strength, she ripped the chain off the wall, and started back upstairs. Strangely, there was no one around and it was eerily quiet. She made her way outside and found not the mean vampire but the rival clan. The voice continued to whisper to her, telling her to kill them all. This new power was overwhelming and caused Serena to black out. 

When Serena came back to, she was standing in the middle of a blood bath. Organs, bones, blood were spewed everywhere. She tried to remember what happened but the shock of the gore block any other thoughts. Gunner tapped her shoulder from behind and started to lightly shake her to snap her back. He kept asking her what happened but Serena could not find the words. She looked down at her hands and saw them covered in blood. A horrific scream finally escaped her lungs and started to hyperventilate. Her chest started to get hot and she could feel her heart pounding. The dark voice returned in her mind. Serena not wanting anymore part of this madness tried to fight the voice. Her strength was dwindling quickly and she couldn't fight it much longerAmongst the chaos, Gunner grabbed her jaw and poured a red liquid down her throat. The taste was metallic and heavenly. All of Serena’s pain disappeared and pleasure was replaced. 

The next morning, Serena woke up to find herself in her bedroom. She tried to make sense of what happened, everything was hazy. Gunner knocked on the door asking if they could talk. Gunner began to tell Serena what he had witnessed. When we found Serena facing the rival clan, feathers started to grow from her head previously where her hair had been. Her face changed into a raven head, the beak had jagged sharp teeth. Her hands turned into talons and glowed a cold blue color. He continued saying that she started to fly around the vampires and started slicing them with her sharp talons and teeth. 

Serena had killed almost 50 vampires within seconds. Serena looked to Gunner and asked with tears in her eyes, if this meant she was a monster. A familiar voice from the doorway answered, it was Mr. Dumbledore. Gunner went on to say that Serena had been out for a few days and while they waited for her to wake up, he contacted Dumbledore for help. Based on what Gunner described, it sounded like Serena was from the Black Veela bloodline and that she awakened her Veela form that night. Serena would have to drink human flesh to survive and would have to learn to control her thirst if she wished to go to Hogwarts next year. Dumbledore continued saying that he was unsure exactly what made black Veelas and normal Veelas different but they could work on it when she did come to Hogwarts.

 Serena spent the next year learning to control her thirst but she did not quite feel prepared enough. After another year, she felt plenty ready to leave New York and head to Scotland where her magical journey would begin. 

Mood Board ArtFight


  • Draco Malfoy <3
  • Performing
  • Making Cupcakes
  • Candy


  • Lucius Malfoy
  • Losing control of her magic
  • Tight/Fancy cloths
  • Being cooped up indoors


  • Singing and Dancing
  • Baking
  • Helping Hagrid with magical creatures
  • Hanging out in her secret hideout