Words from the Higher



2 months, 8 days ago



To my children

What originally started as a sanctuary for those that the Higher wished to give a home, it has now become a complex world of desire and redemption. What it contained is not merely just fantastical children that they gave life to. It represents their craving, their wish to nurture these children as if their existence indeed is unfeigned, that the simulation of cultivating life in a scribble is far more than what the naked eye perceives.
It began with just a house. A regular house which occupied the individuals with beast ears. No regular human could be seen, as this house was meant to be for the hybrids.
It expanded. Half-beasts began to flood in as the Higher fostered more and more lost children. The Higher created more houses and allocated them according to their personality and originality. It was still quite a small and compacted community. At this point in time, the Higher did not yet fertilize the seed of this abode.
The Higher appointed leaders for each house drawn up, and the name "The Chapel" was established. The Mothers, the Sisters, they all took care of the Children in the houses - Cloud House, Glass House, Cardboard House and Void House. The Cloud House dwelled all the ones with divine power; the Glass House resides the nobles and the Lords and Highnesses; the Cardboard House, the hall of the common; and the Void House, land of the darkness. And even with most of the population in The Chapel, the Higher did not fortify this collective.
Societies were formed. The houses became ever so developed that the Higher renamed and categorized them in even more detail. The Cloud House - the Azure Estate, the divine power remains; the Glass House - the Glass County, kingdoms and status flourishes; the Cardboard House - Wind Valley, a place where the wind guides their habitants and continues to be the most populated region; and the Void House - Void Sector, remains as the evil presence of The Chapel.
The Mothers and Sisters welcomed their new leaders as more sections are slotted in. Outer House, later renamed into the Outer Region, an out-of-this-world universe separate to the mainland that inhabits some of the most interesting individuals. What was originally in its own land was brought to The Chapel by the Higher: Traders and mercenaries, those that tirelessly transport goods from one house to another, and Deep Sea, the land of the deep, dark waters.
It is now the era of the Yakuza. Formed by the Children, the Yakuza began to prosper and gain members ever so swiftly, the Higher even having the names ready before the members have joined. There is no barrier between who can join the Yakuza, hence a Mother or Sister can be part of the Yakuza, in fact it is considered better that all factions, good or evil, have a representative as either a Mother or Sister so that all houses can co-exist. It was also this time when the Higher began to connect deeper with this world that they sovereign. The Higher began giving their Children memories of its own, subtle hints of their hidden nature, their fantasy.
This is also when the Higher created the celestial beings who willingly cages themselves in the Oriental Gardens, those that believe they are the true, highest beings in this realm. They refuse to be part of The Chapel, however the Higher insisted there to be a house as such. As time goes on, it seems that the celestials may open their gates to their garden. Together with this addition, the Sand Dunes (previously named Sand Ravine) have slowly began to build their shelter in the treacherous land.
Increasingly more powerful beings have now been introduced in The Chapel as the Godfather, the Angels, and the Bishops. They are the speck of reality the Higher wanted to retain in what little sanity they had left; the beings to prevent the Higher from sinking too deep in the abyss of their imagination.
Until the transmission of this message, the Higher realised that this is no longer just a world to store their children, they are the Children that the Higher subconsciously gave life to, a place where the Higher truly wished to be part of. It is a place where the Higher is still struggling to dive into, for it is a place of no return, for it is a fake sanctuary, a house of lies that should never be intwined with reality. The Higher is aware of all this, take it that they are still sane. They hope to remain sane. Until the day that the Godfather and Angels no longer reminds the Higher of the original purpose of building this sanctuary is the day when the Higher faithfully accepts The Chapel as a world of their own, as their sanctuary that they can call home.