I’m down to do a scene art trade. It depends on what you want tho. If we end up not going with the scene a shaded headshot will be fine !

I was thinking something with my raptor if you can draw Dino’s ? https://toyhou.se/25027309.yureni

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Awesome, can you draw IC?

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Ofc! ^^

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No worries, I'm half way done with my side so I'll try to get it to you later today ^^

4 Replies

Cool arts! All my art examples on IC! We can do a icon trade if it's ok with u ^^

A shaded icon trade would be great! Can you draw IC?

Sure can! Can u draw my IC?

Yep! ^^

Oka! I'll start it asap! ^^

I can do scene art! What kind of characters can you draw? I can see that you can do feral/anthro/Pokémon characters, but I want to know if you can do more than that. I can do whatever kind of characters! My examples are in the ic!

May I ask what i'd have to do/give to get a custom of a pokemon oc I wanna make?
I'd like to see If I could possibly get some art for my eeveefor my pokemon dnd campaign, but unsure If I have good enough art to actually do the art trade, so I thought I'd check ^w^

I can! Maybe like a bust :3

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i am once again back for an art trade :3

it will be another experimental piece, it will have angular lines just like this and be lineless! feel free to throw anybody at me! i can do two because im kind of interested in a scene piece (i can do one back to the best of my ability!) and anotha custom.... lmk if this is ok w/ you!!

That would be great! Can you draw this character standing on a fire tower for the scene, and a fullbody for this character? I want the scene to have a sort of abandoned/apocalyptic vibe, here's an inspo photo: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1103663452424678338/

the pinterest link doesnt work ;o; but i can for sure do that!! i get what you mean here c:

(holds this guy dearly, cant tell u how much i love this design T__T) id loove a scene of him https://toyhou.se/26320216.omi !! the scene can be a like... cityscape sort of vibe? (you can draw his feral form anthro if you have a better idea!) and id love if he were like. sitting atop of a building watching something burn!?!? (if thats too much, you can just leave it as him sitting atop a building looking at a cityscape!!)

and for the custom,, id love another dragon, but this time western! heres a color palette (feel free to go outside of this!) id enjoy if he had like. multiple eyes across him as well?  id love if he looked a bit aloof as well with a scarred left eye (maybe an eyepatch covering it?) other than that, i leave the artistic freedom to you! :] 

Yeah I can do that, do you have a specific accent color in mind for the custom or would you like me to choose? Also, I'm so glad you like Omi, it makes me really happy to see him getting so much love :D

UHHH any accent that isn’t pink is ok with me :3 and YESSS he quickly became one of my absolute faves !!!

sorry for the delay!! i finished sketching the fullbody and ill get started on the scene soon after c:

finished the fb for riptide!! lmk if you want/need any changes c: (link to hq version)


Omg ty he looks awesome!! I'm about halfway done with my side, here are some progress photos for ya! Lmk if you'd like any changes for either. I went a little crazy with the bright colors but I can definetley make the custom more greyscale if you'd prefer! Also, would you like the eyepatch for the custom to be optional or mandatory? (I can also remove it if you'd like) :3


12 Replies

sup! your art looks cool, love to do a trade!! ^^