Always Watching




This little spam always seems to be watching. Staring off into space or staring at the people closest to them. No one knows why they stare. Or why they look like a little shadow. Some say that their Pipis had been pulled into the shadows itself and hatched there. But we wouldn't be able to know the truth. The little spam doesn't like to talk much either, keeping their words and peeps to themselves. Rarely that they do make a sound, kinda like a little miracle of you do have the chance to hear them make a noise.

No one knows what they'll grow up to do. But they seem to hang around like minded others. So we will only see.

As an adult, they actually take care of the various gardens around the churches. Tending to them and watering or preening them when needed. They hate to see a dying flower and will usually get upset if they do find one that is wilting. They also however, seem to know when someone is exhausted or sleep deprived. Always drawn to the person in some way; either by a soft tug, a floral scent, or a odd visual. They always seem to find them no matter what, with the feeling always being more strong the more exhausted one is. It gets unbearable occasionally, usually resulting them accidentally walking or rarely teleporting nearby the person and accidentally spooking them with their sudden appearance. They don't mean to! But they will try their best to have the exhausted person get some rest.

Their virus form is when they get overly exhausted and tired themselves. Pulled out in all kinds of directions, always seeing and looking at everything around them. They get quite delirious in this state, unable to think clearly. This usually results in them acting quite... Goofy! Or silly! It's quite the sight to see this massive bird with many eyes that it's hard to look at bumbling around and chirping random things. This form only really goes away when they finally get some sleep themselves. Which happens only like ... An hour after if they turn into this form.

Hat Spam