


5 months, 18 days ago


ash pagedoll



What Did You See

Gender. Male

Pronouns. he/him

Age. 9 Moons

Role. Star-watcher Apprentice

Residence. PineClan

Build. Short, scrawny, thick-furred



Why can't you look at me? I'm NOT him!

Ashpaw is a quiet star-watcher apprentice from PineClan. Unfortunately for him, his father, the previous and first leader of PineClan, was a uncontrollable tyrant, whose memory haunts the Clans.

Even though he has never met his father, Ashpaw finds himself being compared to him constantly, on the account of his striking resemblance to him. So he spends his time trying to prove himself, and escape the still-present image of his father. But there are still those in the clan who wont see him for himself. And no matter how hard he tries, he can't escape the fear that they might be right.



Immediately after he and Elkkit were born, they were rejected by their birth mother, Nettleheart. Instead they were nursed by another queen, Russetnose, until they could eat fresh-kill. Ravensky, the clan's star-watcher looked out for him and his brother, as they were mostly alone for their kithood.
Ashkit was a very shy kit, preferring to spend most of his time alone in the nursery, or near the darker corners of the camp walls, playing with the bugs or with the plants. Initially, with some coercion from Elkkit, he would play with the other kits. But after being picked on by them, he decided he would rather play alone.


To prevent the possibility of having to use violence against someone, Ashpaw chose to train as a star-watcher under Ravensky. He enjoys healing and foraging for herbs, but dislikes attending star-watcher meetings. (to be continued...)


walking alone in the forest
pine needles
being appreciated
the sound of ravens
waking up early


being compared to others
being ignored
physical activities


Elkpaw [ brother ]

Elkpaw has always been there for Ashpaw. The two brothers have gone through everything together.
But, despite this, Ashpaw still feels that his brother doesn't really understand him.

Nettleheart [ mother ]

Ashpaw doesn't have much of a relationship with his mother. In fact, he could probably count on his paw all the times she's even said a word to him.
Only occassionally will she give him a cold, unreadable glance from afar.

Ravensky [ mentor/parental figure ]

For as long as he can remember, Ravensky has always looked after him and his brother, along with his own kits. Ravensky used to tell him stories in the nursery, and has always been kind. But after the pain his father caused Ravensky, Ashpaw can't bring himself to get too close.

The Black Fox [ friend ]

Sometimes, it feels as though he's Ashpaw's only friend. The fox listens to his troubles and offers him solutions. It's as if he's the only one in the world he can 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 talk to. Ashpaw tries to spend as much time away from camp, and with the fox, as he can.