


5 years, 9 months ago


Pyura was once a regular child (albeit a bit of a thief) who was cursed by a sea witch after trying to steal from her, as a consequence of his actions she turned him to stone.

Some parts of his curse are the fact that he is constantly crying, his tears start out as water but turn to stone as they fall, meaning that he often leaves a trail of small rocks as he travels. Another aspect of his curse is that he turns other animals into stone upon his touch, most of the time this is accidental and not always for ill-intent. 

The white stone on his chest can change colour under certain circumstances, removing it would be fatal for him. Because of his curse, he is very isolated, and lives near a rocky cliff-side by the ocean, and is surrounded by rose bushes growing through the cracks of the cliff and the stone statues of animals and creatures that have stumbled across him, either by accident or those who have hunted him down. He spends most of his day on a large pile of the small rocks formed from his own tears 

Later on in the story he looses his arm in a fight with the main characters (much like the original design)