
Full name: Rosalind "Rosi" Stilzchen

Aliases: Rumpelstiltskin, Rosi, Rosi the doe.

Age: 24

Height: 5'7"

Species: Red Deer

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Occupation: Enigmatic Deal Broker


Appearance: Rosi is an anthropomorphic female red deer with red eyes, dark brown curly hair, brown antlers, and a dark brown nose. She also appears to have freckles. She often wears a yellowish-brown sleeveless vest with dark brown buttons, with a brown long sleeved shirt under it. She also wears a dark brown miniskirt, and a red scarf on her neck. She is described as a friendly, helpful and humble doe in the outside, but she has a sharp mind in the inside.


Rosi possesses the cunning and manipulative nature of Rumpelstiltskin, but with a subtle twist. While she still thrives on striking deals and manipulating others for her own gain, she also harbors a deep-seated sense of loneliness and longing for connection. 

Despite her fearsome reputation, there's a vulnerability to her that occasionally surfaces, hinting at a more complex inner turmoil beneath her exterior. She's adept at putting on a facade of confidence and power, but underneath lies a longing for companionship and acceptance. This inner conflict adds depth to her character, making her both compelling and enigmatic.


Rosi's origins are shrouded in mystery, much like the deals she brokers. Little is known about her past, but rumors swirl in the Enchanted Forest, painting her as a creature of dark magic and sinister intent. Some whisper that she was once a noble soul, cursed by her own ambition to wander the forest forevermore, striking bargains with unsuspecting travelers. Others believe she was born from the shadows themselves, a creature of pure cunning and guile. Whatever the truth may be, Rosi has carved out a place for herself as the ultimate dealmaker, wielding her powers with finesse and ruthlessness.

Theme: KikuoHana - O Light  ∆🦌


"You seek power, wealth, perhaps love? I can grant you anything your heart desires, Or perhaps just seeking... something more~?"

"Hush now, my sweet. Don't be afraid of the dark. Embrace it, for within lies the secrets to unlocking untold power."

"Every bargain has its price, but rest assured, I always collect. Choose your words wisely, for once the deal is struck, there's no turning back."

"Oh, don't be frightened, my sweet. I'm not as fearsome as they say. Just a humble doe looking out for her own interests."

"Ah, loyalty is such a fickle thing, isn't it? But remember, in the end, everyone has a price, even you."

"In the quiet moments, when the echoes of my deals fade away, I can't help but wonder: is there anyone out there who could truly understand me?"