


5 years, 9 months ago


Name : Khaodhelmia [pronounced Ka-oh-de-hell-mia]

Nickname(s) : Khao; Helmia; The Versatile Hybrid

Gender : Female

Species : Kaprosuchus [50%]; Tyrannosaurus Rex [25%]; Velociraptor [25%]

Age : 20 Years Old

Personality : Khaodhelmia is a very intelligent hybrid, her eyes gleaming with that spark, but also very feral. She doesn't really speak coherently, her words being contorted and her sentences short and primal. She mostly communicates via noises. She can roar like the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but also chuff, screech, bark, chirp and chatter like Velociraptors. She can also growl and snarl much likes canines and felines. It's that really wide variety of sounds and noises that she uses for communication, most of their purposes clear, others not so much.

She does have a bloodlust and enjoys killing like most carnivores would have had to in the prehistoric, but not always. Sometimes she just wants a moment away from the constant new noises, experiences, harassment and such that comes from being reintroduced to the modern world and being in captivity, her meals fed to her at the same time each day in the same way. Each meal the same, meager and tasteless; one thing the genetesis' got wrong was her appetite and she suffers from the lack of nutrition.

She can think and process things, but usually doesn't communicate it out loud. If she needed to, Semiramis could definitely figure out how to open doors.

With her intelligence comes emotions, which she can also feel including empathy, anger, guilt, regret, pain, sadness, and so on. However she doesn't really ponder over guilt that much and mostly ignores that nagging feeling and continues on forth with whatever it is she's doing.

Likes : new things, but not an overwhelming amount; using her intelligence; killing in moments of bloodlust; escaping all the noises and sounds when she can; the dark; heavy storms.

Dislikes : being overwhelmed; being cornered; constantly having to attack-and-defend; hot and dry weather; extreme brightness.

S.O. : Asexual

Alignment : Chaotic Neutral

First Memories : The first thing she could remember was the heat and bright lights. She fought against her egg, wanting to get out, to finally be free of the protective shell. She felt more than saw her long claws finally crack through, pushing until her entire hand was out, before she retracted it, pulling in pieces of shell as a bigger gap widened. She leaned forwards, pressing her head against that area, feeling it give way more and more until she finally had a gap big enough to fit her minuscule shoulders through. Noises; loud, surprised noises as she pulled herself out on all four of her legs, instead of the expected two. She cringed at the noise with sharp, chattering chirps, trying to say it was too loud; high-pitched noise and apparently no understanding, for the sounds grew louder and the light brighter as rough hands grasped her and dragged her away from the place she'd spent as an egg. No mother; no understanding; simply brightness, loud noises, and rough hands.

Brief History : Khaodhelmia hatched in the incubator she'd been in since her egg came into being and the developing her. She didn't remember anything other than having no mother, nothing to understand her, bright lights, loud noises and rough hands. This impacted her to be quite mistrustful of the humans around her; which then led to her paddock being separated from all the caretakers, feeders, etc. She knew nothing more than her paddock her whole life; tall cement walls, large wires formed like a thickly woven web to keep her from climbing out, and some trees and foliage. No wildlife, no nothing. Sometimes the machine would swing overhead, dropping a carcass to eat through the netting. Sometimes it'd get caught and Semiramis would be forced to try and jump/climb to get her meal as the caretakers would never get over the metal netting. Semi could jump; and she had a long reach. They didn't enjoy the thought very much.

The more she grew, the more her paddock felt smaller and smaller, and the more she planned to escape forever. She could sometimes hear the calls and noises of the others; not that she knew what the others were. That's all they were, the "others". She was smart, and she'd figure it out someday. She just seemed to know that netting was the answer; and she knew even more so when, fully-grown, the wires would indeed bend more than they should under her grasp when none were watching. She'd wait and study; and get out.

Status : Active

Build : Khaodhelmia is a rather skinny hybrid; perhaps it's simply how she is, or it could be from stress/malnutrition whilst she was in her enclosure. Her natural build is closer to her Velociraptor genes, lithe and lean, allowing her to move quickly and through smaller gaps, but not quite like it. She is bigger than a Velociraptor, thanks to the Tyrannosaurs Rex DNA in her, except she isn't that much bigger. There's about a two meter (two-hundred centimetre) difference in height between her and the Velociraptor.

She's a versatile quadruped and biped, meaning she can move on all four of her legs, or just her hind legs. She prefers all four when moving at a gate faster than a slow stalk or so, however she'll run as a biped if her forearms are occupied or wounded somehow. When standing still, she'll stand on her hind legs, however she will stand still on all four if she is seeking something that requires her to be lower to the ground. The versatile combination is pulled from a mutated trait that came with her genetic combo; surprising the genetesis' who'd worked on making and perfecting her design. It wasn't what they'd expected, but it seemed to in fact be better than their original design.

Her forearms are like a cross between legs and arms, allowing her to walk on them and use them as they are prehensile arms, ending with four, long, deadly talons that can be used to grip items and run on.

Her hind legs take heavily after her Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor-like parts, but they're not quite the same. They're built thinner, not as thick so as to support her entire body all the time, since she can move as a quadruped. However they do have similar appearances. The legs end in two large feet that are much closer to the Velociraptor; they consist of only three toes/talons, the interior ones bigger and with a bit more movement, much like the toe claws on the Velociraptor in her DNA.

Her body is built long, more so on the side of the Kaprosuchus. She has a back covered with wide, overlapping plates that protect her from rear-end attacks, and those plates are rimmed with smaller, rounded plates that serve mostly as a mechanism of warding off potential attackers with a deadly appearance. With an extra piece of work by the genetesis', her plates are strong-enough to resist high-powered bullets from sniper rifles and similar weapons.

Her head is a mix between that of the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Kaprosuchus. It's closer to that of the Kaprosuchus, with a slightly longer muzzle filled with deadly teeth but the base is thicker like that of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. As she is smaller, her head isn't as big as the Tyrannosaurus, but the build is similar. Some of her teeth, like the Kaprosuchus, stick up and out of her jaw, too big to fit perfectly alongside them. Her jaw itself is powerful, easily crushing much more than bones in one crunch, but like her crocodilian descendants, she doesn't have much power when it comes to opening her jaw. All the power's built in the bite force itself. Her eyes are smaller, perhaps more medium-sized, and semi-narrowed but keen enough to see during the day and night.

Her underbelly, like most creatures, is one of her weakest spots. It consists of the very large, but snake-like, scales that cover the rest of her body. Her chest and flanks, her width, isn't wide like the Kaprosuchus, nor too thin like a Velociraptor or Tyrannosaurus Rex. She more or less slides right into the middle of them, meaning that her bulk will not hold her above water and that she cannot swim very well due to being too narrow and lacking webbed feet, but she also won't be fitting through smaller gaps anytime soon. Like the Tyrannosaurus, after her chest and ribs, her build is more compact, her organs more compressed against her spine, whereas the Kaprosuchus' build is more boxy and straight-going like it's crocodile descendant. Yet again, more extra work has provided this hybrid the power to be bullet-proof against only low-powered weapons such as handguns. At the time, the idea of her like this was perfect on your side, but as your attacker? It's not a very useful thing to be up against.

Finally, her tail is mostly on the Kaprosuchus' side. It's long, but not overly long enough that it drags. A last bit of extra work left this tail as prehensile. It mostly serves to balance her when galloping, but is powerful enough to use as a whip to any attackers from behind and can sometimes wrap around and grip things. The plating on her back does run down it but, unlike the Kaprosuchus, her tail isn't wide enough to support the plates all the way down and they kind of grow smaller at increasingly large amounts at the base of her tail until all that runs down the last quarter or so of her tail are simply scales.

Appearance : Khaodhelmia's colouration consists of greys, some faded greys, and a few areas of an extremely faded green-like colour, like a dusty, swamp-like colour. She's mostly grey, in a faded fashion, going from darker on her back to a pale, creamy-grey colour by her underbelly, legs and feet. She does have a large, wide stripe of a dark, very gray-green running from the top of her jaw, between her nostrils, up her head, around her eyes, and neck to where the plates begin, widening around and against them, and fading off at her shoulders. Breaking off from under her eyes, the dark colour stretches out into many thin, wispy-like strands all over her scaled body. Within the bigger of those strands are a new colour on her body; a paler, more pastel gray-green that shows a bit more than the rest of her colours, sticking out slightly. The last quarter of her tail where there are no plates is that dark gray-green with a few lighter strips around the end of her tail. Semiramis's plates themselves are all a dark, smoky grey with tints of black around the bases of the plates around her head, hind legs and where they end on her tail. To top off her entire appearance and colours, Semiramis's eyes are of a sharp, silvery-green that gleam with an intelligent spark.
Her scales may appear leathery, but if you're ever so lucky enough to approach her to touch them without being killed first by this deadly carnivore, you'd find them very rough and hard to the touch with a slight oily feel, which would allow your fingers to run along them quite easily. You could almost call them serpentine, in a way. Her plates aren't quite the same, they're texture would fell rougher, like the base of her feet, a rough, padded feel.. similar to the cracked, dry pads of a canine, perhaps, except they aren't soft but hard, strong enough to resist high and low powered bullets.
Special Traits : Prehensile Feet; Prehensile Tail; Bullet-Proof Scales; High Bullet-Proof Plating
Height : 340 cm
Weight : 1,013.7 kg

Acquaintance With : None
Befriended : None
Mutual With : None
Interested In : None
Mated To : None
Rivals : None
Enemies : NoneĀ