please ping me when these open up/myos are available!!

hii i wanted to know if these lil guys would be open, semi open, or a closed species,,

Right now I'm not sure. So at the momnet they closeded, 


just lyk im like 90% sure there is a species with the same concept and name already! (im the creator but i left the ownership to someone else a while back) toyhouse world for proof

also sorry i couldnt say this before bids were placed since i didnt find the auction till now 😭

Ahh I am so sorry about this, I never seen this species, I can change some things if this makes you more comfortable

nah youre good! its definitely understandable since the species is kinda dead atm lmao but the current owner might be a bit more content if you tried to change up a couple things with the concept so that theyre somewhat distinct either way congrats on the bids!! /gen i dont wanna gatekeep any concepts lol im just worried you might face backlash

It is okay! Thank you so much for telling me, I will come up with something with the bid winner

Hi! I redesigned the species! Just wanted to update you on that 

yo thats epic! excited to see these fellas develop 👀

cool species! :0 very interesting. 

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$10 ^^


$20 ^^


10 Replies