Charlotte ✦



5 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info










5'11 ft.


152 lbs.


Faux fur, neon colors, going to the salon


Unnecessary cosmetic surgery


Confident | Powerful


Info is a WIP. Co-owned with mightbebianca!


When Charlotte was a child, she suffered body insecurities due to her being a bit bigger than the other girls in height and weight. She was scared of being that way forever and that nobody would think she's beautiful no matter how hard she tried. Charlotte often sat alone, wishing she was reborn into someone different who'd others would look at in awe. Until one day while watching a talkshow on tv, Charlotte saw a young plus-sized women of color who had said she was a model. When asked by the show host how she got past the negativity of others to reach where she was in the industry, the model gave an answer that Charlotte will remember for the rest of her life:
"I'm not trying to be beautiful for others. I think I'm beautiful, and that's what's important. Because true beauty is power, and I have the power to not let other's bring me down with their words. I may be big, but I'm healthy and happy. I love myself for who I am, and everyone including myself deserves to feel loved, even if it's from yourself. I keep confidence in myself, knowing I can help people like me feel that same way by doing what I do to prove the doubt's of others wrong."

The plus-sized model helped Charlotte gain an entirely new perspective, and helped Charlotte begin to realize her love and admiration for women. She began following the model's life and career through media, and eventually gained a new self-confidence of her own. Charlotte began dressing for herself, accessorizing for herself, eating for herself, and would now always strut around with a confident aura around her. In a way her wish had come true; she was reborn into someone different, a strong young lady who now loved herself and her own beauty, and wouldn't let others (especially not herself) bring her down. Her powerful beauty left others in awe and admiration.

What Dreams Are Made Of

Because of her new role model, Charlotte decided she too would pursue a career in modeling to follow in her hero's footsteps to inspire others. A new modeling agency in a nearby city had recently put up ads looking for young child models for possibilities in advertisement. Charlotte begged her mom to take her, trying to use the paying opportunity that could help her family as a way to sway Charlotte's mother to take her. Her mom had never seen her daughter take such a passionate interest to anything before, and vowed to keep supporting Charlotte no matter what. so she could keep smiling like she was now.

At the agency, Charlotte saw other kids and their parents prepping for their auditions. Among them Charlotte recognized a classmate of her, a pale skinny boy kids often teased was a girl, his name was Primrose. Charlotte sat next to him since he seemed nervous, and wished him good luck. Primrose thanked her and wished her good luck as well, but Charlotte replied saying she didn't need luck since she was confident in herself. When asked what made her think she'd get the audition out of everyone there, Charlotte took it the wrong way and let her newfound confidence get the best by lashing out at Primrose saying, "Because I'm a new type of beautiful that's different! Nobody needs pale, scrawny girly girls anymore!" They both grew quite, with Charlotte trying to cool down and remain calm before her audition, After a couple of kids, it was Primrose's turn for his audition. Soon after though he came running out with tears down his face, with his father rushing after him. 

Finally it was Charlotte's turn, and the agents loved how adorably cheery and confident she was they offered to sign her on the spot. They gave her an address to a studio to show up where Charlotte would need to pay to take portraits and headshots to use when applying for gigs. While Charlotte's mom thought the prices were outrageous and they'd barely be able to afford it, she decided to take a chance and entrust in her daughter's passion and potential. So she paid for the shoot, and awaited to hear back from the agency on when the prints came in. After a week of impatience and lack of communication, Charlotte and her mother drove to the agency only to find the building completely abandoned. Charotte's mother immediately filed a police report after realizing her daughter and her had been scammed. Charlotte was disappointed her family had lost so much money because of her, but her mom assured her it wasn't her fault and that she's more upset over the scammers harming Charlotte's dreams of being a inspirational model. Charlotte promises to be more careful next time, and to repay her mother's kindness someday. 

Back at school, Charlotte was a bit saddened over the recent events, and it showed. Primrose approached her and told Charlotte he heard what had happened and said sorry. She thanked him and told him he was lucky to not have made it, and asked why he ran out crying. Primrose hesitated at first before confessing that what Charlotte had told him before his audition had hurt his feelings so badly and it kept repeating in his head during the audition that he couldn't handle it anymore, Charlotte apologized and said that wasn't her intention. She only said it because she thought Primrose didn't think she had a chance. But Primrose said he misworded what he meant, and that he was wondering what it is was that made her so confident since everyone in class admired her for it, including Primrose. After exchanging a few apologies they began talking about their own insecurities, and the role models that helped the kids overcome them and inspire to be models themselves. Charlotte and Primrose hugged it all out, and quickly became best friends after that. They promised each other to make it in the fashion world someday as a modeling duo.

Soon after the police were able to find the scamming agency, bring them to justice, and get Charlotte's family their money back. Which then went back towards her getting into real gigs, which included small things like ads and commercials along with Primrose. Eventually years later, the fashion duo got accepted by a high fashion model agency right after finishing high school due to their "fresh, new look as a beautiful duo"!


For their first big modeling gig, Charlotte and Primrose's manager booked them a casting call for an upcoming fashion campaign and fashion show for the hot and upcoming brand Pryde's next new clothing line, "Maple Breeze". At the the appointment the duo meets the head of Pryde, Paris. He was instantly drawn to Charlotte and Primrose and chose them first among 17 other diverse models for the show, including them and Paris that made 20 models total for the show. They were also the first to be chosen to participate in ad campaigns for the fashion line. Paris gave the few chosen models times and places to be for shooting for the campaigns the next day, and congratulated everyone before thanking them for coming.

Charlotte and Primrose decided to celebrate acing their first casting call so well that night by having a slumber party with just the two of them. Help each other with their skin routines so they glow tomorrow, wearing face masks while talking about the cute models they met at the call and spilling tea about some of the ones chosen. The next day shooting for the campaign was a scary but fun learning experience for Charlotte, she felt so beautiful and confident in the fabulous outfits for the "Maple Breeze" line, which would be the same ones she'd wear the day of the fashion show. 

After the successful fashion show, Paris approached Charlotte and Primrose with a proposal offer: they'd be guaranteed future work with Pryde, and he'd be their manager while helping them with finding future work outside of his brand. The two accepted, left their modeling agency, and soon became well known faces by the time the "Maple Breeze" line officially released.

The duo was amazed at how everything was going so well in their favor ever since they started their modeling career, and vowed to stick together so the only way they could go was up!