

27 days, 8 hours ago


An old Jigglypuff and longtime companion of my trainer in pokemon blue! (I haven't decided on a name for her... sorry so she's gonna be referred to here as "my trainer" until I find something fitting for her)

Poppy was given to my trainer about 40 years prior to the events of the game from a close friend of hers when they were both in their 20s. She'd suffered from pretty severe anxiety, and had always wanted to travel and bond with the world around her, but her anxiety had unsurprisingly impeded her greatly from that goal. She had many chances to actually go on a journey with her peers, she just could never make herself do that. My trainer had been deeply scared of any and all pokemon- despite appreciating them from afar, and even really enjoying a few, she couldn't bring herself to venture to meet them. She was pretty much a shut in wallflower. Rarely appearing to the outside world for much more than what was necessary to survive. Food- drink, perhaps work, that's if you even saw her doing that. She would make sure to take jobs where she was in the backround and never had to be seen nor heard. The friends that she did have were limited to those she'd met in schooling and who had gone through great lengths to keep in contact with her that whole time. Predictably, my trained had also suffered greatly from insomnia- so much so that she'd spend several night sleepless. Her friend, knowing about this, and caring for her greatly, had gifted her Poppy as a kind of sleep aid and friend. She'd heard about Jigglypuff's ability to lull pokemon and people alike to sleep. That, along with jigglypuff's nonthreatening and sweet appearance, made Poppy the perfect option for someone so constantly nervous and tired. The perfect option for someone who had wanted to be around pokemon, but was still really lukewarm on the idea of interacting with them.

It took a bit for my trainer to warm up to Poppy. Of course, she appreciated her friend's kind gesture, but it takes time to warm up to these kinds of things. It took a few months for her to fully adjust to actually having her at all. It didn't "cure" her or anything, but it definitely made living a lot more easy, having Poppy there to help her out.

Poppy cares deeply about her companion! Unlike some other jigglypuff, Poppy tends to be softspoken and sweet. She doesn't like to sing her songs for more than just a few people at a time. You could say she has a bit of stage fright herself that she never really got over, but she's honestly happy just singing for my trainer! She doesn't need a crowd, just the person she cares about the most! She doesn't only just help my trainer with her sleep, she also sometimes helps clean around the house- and gets stuff from high shelves due to her ability to float a bit off of the ground. She enjoys watching TV with her companion, and drawing! It's a bit harder to do that without thumbs, but she's gotten pretty good at gripping things in recent years! She's had a lot of time to practice and hone her craft. Guess that's what free time will do to you! The two of them kinda live together less of like a human and animal, but more of just two roommates. They've had their arguments and silly in jokes. But all throughout they're still pretty much best friends!
 You might notice that she's got some visible age on her- with her fur going white in certain areas, and her eyes having wrinkles. She also is a bit less round than other jigglypuffs. And maybe her voice has gotten a bit softer over the years, too. You could say she's a bit deflated and she can't float quite as high as her younger counterparts. Poppy's still got all her energy though! Recently my trainer had finally decided to take the plunge and go on a journey around the region like she'd wished she had done when she was younger now that she'd finally gotten the worst of her anxiety in check. And you bet that Poppy is with her for every step of the way! They're not really doing a traditional "Get all the badges" journey, more of a "let's finally see the world" kinda journey while making friends along the way!

Uhhhhhhh I'm kinda rambling but yeahhhhg