Haruki Saynt



5 months, 14 days ago


Name: Haruki Saynt

Age: 22

Height: 6'5”

Monster type/species Description: Saint Beast Demon

Types of demons that are actually fairly harmless compared to other demons from Hell. Overall their physical strength is even with humans. Their appearance follows along with that as well besides a few notable differences in ears and other features. The only power they seemed to have is the contracts that they naturally obtain with Spirit Beasts in which they use for power. 

Grade: Sophomore

Glamor item: Thumb Ring

Credit Count: 9

Natural weapons: Teeth, claws

Trained weapons: Brass Knuckles


  • Human Biology: This type of demon is very similar to humans physically. As such they do not have superior strength or agility and are mortal.

  • Mental Health: Because it is very much like two or three minds living in one body for the demon and the spirit beast the added mental stress can lead to several mental disorders. Especially if the demon and beast are incompatible. In Haruki's case if he gets heavily exhausted he sacrifices the will of his body.


Major Skills:

Nandi's side effect

Tier 1: Battering Ram- The bull rushes forward and rams through an obstacle or enemy force

 Tier 2: Full Iron Defense- The bull offers its sturdy body like an invisible covering over Haruki. Physical attacks Sophomore strength or lower will bounce off.

Twin's side effect (Icarus and Orion)

Tier 1: Twin Katar Blades, burn on contact

Tier 2: Non- dismemberment wounds fully heal after 24 hours

 Spirit Energy: Ability to possess and store spirit energy in order to summon Contracted Beasts.

Tier 1: Renews every 24 hours, only 3 summons allowed per day.

Tier 2: Renews every 12 hours, only 3 summons allowed per cycle.

Minor skills:

Spirit summoning- Mythical Spirit Beast of the Earth (Nandi). Medium, on his chest
Tier 1: Can Summon Medium Contracted Beast for 15 minutes

Spirit summoning - Mythical Spirit Beast of Fire (Phoenix Twins) Small x2, on his forearms
Tier 1: Can summon Small Contracted beast for 15 minutes

Tattoo contract- The ability to create contracts with supernatural beings to come when summoned by invoking their name


 Wild | Crazed | Bright | Loud | Protective | Stubborn

Haruki will take on any challenge and he'll stay to see it through. A wild soul, but a bright mind. He thinks he knows best and it takes a lot of convincing to prove otherwise. He'll be sure to make his opinions known, but he's more than willing to unwind and have a bit of fun now and then. The more excited or passionate he gets, the louder he becomes. 

Character's Background:

Haruki is the half-brother to Emi through the father. Although the father is no longer in the picture he still comes around once in a while to get their mothers' to forgive him. This, however, never works and instead the two mothers are best friends. This resulted in the two siblings being close as they grew up and eventually entered into school. They even left home at the same time to travel together. Hell or high water, they'll find a better life than their beginnings. Hopefully they don't cause too much trouble in their new location...