


1 month, 4 days ago

Basic Info


Lv. 31
unknown.png #??? - Zourzoi Dark Fairy
HP 93 Speed 61
Attack 79 Defense 43
Sp. Atk 76 Sp. Def 56
Gentle nature. Likes to relax.
Ability: Healer Held Item: None
Torment Dark
Status - Power: -- - Accuracy: 100%
The user torments and enrages the target, making it incapable of using the same move twice in a row.
Spirit Break Fairy
Physical - Power: 75 - Accuracy: 100%
The user attacks the target with so much force that it could break the target’s spirit. This also lowers the target’s Sp. Atk stat.
Knock Off Dark
Physical - Power: 65 - Accuracy: 100%
The user slaps down the target’s held item, making it unusable for that battle. This move does more damage if the target has a held item.
Confide Normal
Status - Power: -- - Accuracy: --%
The user tells the target a secret, and the target loses its ability to concentrate. This lowers the target’s Sp. Atk stat.

We have all gone through some kind of trauma. Let me help you.

Saoirse is a kind-hearted and good-natured Pokemon with a knack for helping Pokemon cope and deal with things that bother and upset them. She does whatever she can to help them come to terms with the past, and once everything is said and done, she will be cheering you on from afar. She has a naturally calming aura, and her fur is very soft, so she is the kind of Pokemon that would pull you into an embrace and hold you while you cried if you needed to.

A member of the Tides of the Moon, she is a newer recruit to the settlement from the time that Cadmus gained complete power after his mentor passed away. He needed someone to help break the brainwashing and the manipulation his mentor caused, as he could tell how much pain everyone was in trying to worship him, but doing so simply out of fear of him. Because he wanted this pain to leave his followers- his family- he enlisted the help of a newbie counselor to help him out. While she was fresh in her line of work, he'd heard along the Grepa vine that she was fantastic at her job and has a lot of compassion for her patients. So, he brought her to the Tides, set her up with her own home and office, and welcomed her as a member of the Tides.

Saoirse was successful in dismantling the cult-like mindset that was drilled into a majority of the Tides, but there were still a number of Pokemon she saw to help them change. As well as this, the new way that Pokemon find their way into the Tides tends to have its roots in trauma, so Saoirse uses her expertise to assist the younger or more hurt Pokemon dismantle their trauma, or at the very least help them cope with the pain and help them get through it.