Imogen Garvin



29 days, 8 hours ago


I have a fucking problem and his name is Lance Talon damn it his discount Xiahou Yuan ass I have a fucking type and it's large men with soft hearts and a good vibes. Like fuck me right?
I went into this book series for something new, didn't expect to turn out Ocs let alone a fucking pairing.

I'm not even finished the series yet soo if shit goes south I will cry.

Was considering on making her the twin of Tiffany but I do not yet if there are a set of twins in the novels that are 'Actives' so I don't even know if she could be a different active type because I don't want two 'Mouth' characters. They will be siblings for sure.  She works with Jasper and her sister with the New York branch of the Society. Since Jasper and Tiff are vocal actives best for stealth I might it up and give Imogen a more offensive type.

just thinking about ideas I could go with:

Burner: because who doesn't love the ability to control fire. Also my fav element to draw :/

Lazarus seems cool but I think conflicts with what I have for Jasper so that is a no-go but could be a 'what if'

I also like Icebox because ice can be pretty to draw

Edisons sounds fun but I tend to not favor characters with electric based powers.