


1 month, 30 days ago


[ QUEENIE . she/her [but happy with any pronouns except he/him!] . 28 ]

based on my rosy maple moth plushie that i carry around with me everywhere! queenie is a transfeminine drag queen who loves being over-the-top and bright at all times. her art helped her discover her identity and she can appear over-the-top feminine even when dressed casually.

queenie is, despite initial impressions of her being a loud and abrasive person, actually quite caring and can easily tone herself down if necessary. she loves all of her friends very deeply and aggressively supports them all in everything, sometimes overwhelmingly so. she’ll always be there for anyone who needs comfort and words of advice or even just a simple hug. being very confident in herself and loving her body, she’s an incredibly vocal advocate for self-love and self-care.

fun facts:

— her drag name is starburst rosy canada!! which is actually the full name i chose for the moth plushie she’s based on haha. queenie is not her actual name, but it’s what everyone calls her.

— she loves having a moth/butterfly theme to some of her drag outfits and especially in her makeup. both because they’re pretty and because they’re a nice symbol of transformation.

— she has a few younger siblings, two of whom are autistic, which is where she learned to be so attentive to others’ needs and especially accommodating to sensory issues.

— she is much shorter than all of her friends.