Atsuko Nakano



5 years, 9 months ago


Name: Atsuko Nakano

MC Name: Mirage

Group: ???

Birthday: August 24th

Age: 24

Height: 5’5”

Weight: 132 lbs

Occupation: Professional Koto Player


Quote: Don’t let the words of others harm, you. You are already your own worst critic. Learn to be your biggest fan as well.

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”
– Winston Churchill

Behind Atsuko’s extreme skill and otherworldly mystery beauty lies an extremely quick witted and tantalizing person. Though generally very kind hearted with most, she can become short and aggressive with others when pushed or when around those she dislikes. Her graceful appearance throws many off, and she generally surprises others when they first meet her, teasing and joking her way into the hearts of many. /span>

Once a growing debutante, Atsuko chose to forsake her family after the pressures they had been putting upon her proved too much for her to handle. She eventually ended up in Yokohama and was taken under care by her poor grandmother, who had become estranged from her family herself for choosing a life of her own rather than following what her family expected, similar to Atsuko.

 Samatoki and Atsuko

Met when they were younger, after Atsuko had run away from home and ended up living with an older poor woman who took her in. Bonded with a young Samatoki and Nemu. She was there for him as she could be after his parents deaths. She began playing for charity to help support herself and to help Samatoki and his sister. Remained close throughout childhood. Even though he became rougher and more violent, she still cared for him, and the two remained close. Was fascinated when he saw her work, and even more so after realizing how often she did it for the sake of the poor and misfortunate.. He appreciated that she was generally never put off by his loud and rather aggressive mannerisms. Didn't approve of his work, but understood why he did it, and never questioned him.

How did they get together? Probably:

o Samatoki: *angry at something she said* Fuck you!

o Atsuko: At least take me on a date first

But honestly so gentle with her like

She has an extremely powerful and varying voice and it comes as a shock to many due to her soft spoken nature and appearance

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