
1 month, 30 days ago


King Ajali of Bahari Kigdom
Positives: Just, patient, calm
Neutral: Anxious, overthinker, unafraid
Negatives: Hot headed, overprotective, wary
Ajali is the fair king of a small seaside kingdom. His pride is very tight and trustfull of each other, and naturally wary of others. There arent many lions living near Bahari (their terminology for 'sea') so they become naturally suspicious of others. They live a semi nomadic lifestyle, where the pridelands ar a large strecth of shore which they move aroung looking for food

~ Aromantic, asexual
~ His heir is his little brother Wimbi
~ Lost his father when he was young, lost his mother with the birth of Wimbi
~ Is completely uninterested in finding a mate;
~ His best friend is the lead huntress (fischer?) of the pride
~ Has Marozi genetis somewhere in there