(f2e) ICON RAFFLE's Comments

Did everything except the bulletin! would loveee to get IC drawn

faved, subbed, faved 2 charas, Would love an icon of this boy if I get lucky!

Faved, subbed, faved 5 characters, and I'd love it to be of https://toyhou.se/26454916.daniel !

omg your art is gorgeous and bubbly!! Did everything but bulletin [character in IC]

Faved and subbed, faved 2 OCs, shared IC, and bulletin

Did everything, character is in IC, ty for the raffle!


faved, subbed, faved 5 ocs, IC shared, bulletin (did all)!

did everything, here's the bulletin <3 tysm for the chance!

Did everything! Here's the bulletin!

Did the required and faved 5 of your ocs! I'd love art of the character in IC... thank you!!

Faved, already subbed, and faved 5 ocs! Tysm for the chance! :D 

faved and subbed, favorited 5 characters, and It would be awesome if you could do this guy here thank you for the opportunity :)) https://toyhou.se/24029764.dez

faved and already subbed, faved 5 characters, annddd I'd love to have Felix get the icon!

faved and subbed :3

Faved and already subbed . Character IC 

faved and subbed, faved 5 ocs

Did all except bulletin, ty!

Did everything but the bulletin !! I’d want Art of IC, probably :D

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Faved this, five characters and subbed!

I think your art is super pretty and would suit Ijah quite well

I hope you have a lovely day !!

Faved, subbed, liked 5 characters from the first link.

The OC: https://toyhou.se/7876197.desi

The bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1831212.raffle-nm

faved and subbed :3

Faved and was already subbed! Here's the character I'd like!

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