


1 month, 14 days ago



Ruusa. "Weeping Rabbit"
3 years
Female | She/They
Sexuality: Asexual
Romantic: Aromantic





Emperor's New Clothes

by Panic! At The Disco

Ruusa looks at everything in a poetic fashion.
"Stars bloom in the abyss of the night. I wish to be as bright as they are."
Ruusa sees everything in a positive light, even when times are tough, and food is scarce.
"Winds are always changing. I will chase them, even if I've no clue where I am."
Ruusa has an intense way of doing things.
"Hackles raised, I am posed to strike first."
Due to her poetic way of viewing things, Ruusa disapproves of a lot of the decisions she makes, to a point to where she'll make herself upset.
"If my fangs had been faster, had I thought ahead, perhaps this ill fate wouldn't have befell me."
Ruusa scrutinizes her own actions to a point where it makes her more susceptible to making mistakes.
"I... Had meant to do that. My paws did not slip, I simply wished to take a shortcut."


  • Flowers
  • Sunrise
  • Swimming


  • Recklessness
  • Apexes

Event One



Event Two



Event Three



110 lbs | 49.8 kg
2.8" ft | 34 Inch | 86.36 cm
Skin Colour
Eye Colour(s)
Hair Colour(s)
Eye Shadow: #hex
Lipstick: #hex
Blush: #hex
Nail Polish: #hex
Outfit Colour(s)
Main: #hex
Secondary: #hex
Tertiary: #hex
Quaternary: #hex
  • Design Notes go here!!! This Scrolls!!
  • In optics, the word "pink" can refer to any of the pale shades of colors between bluish red to red in hue, of medium to high lightness, and of low to moderate saturation.
  • Although pink is generally considered a tint of red, the colors of most tints of pink are slightly bluish, and lie between red and magenta. A few variations of pink, such as salmon color, lean toward orange.
  • As a ray of white sunlight travels through the atmosphere, some of the colors are scattered out of the beam by air molecules and airborne particles. This is called Rayleigh scattering.
  • Colors with a shorter wavelength, such as blue and green, scatter more strongly, and are removed from the light that finally reaches the eye.
  • At sunrise and sunset, when the path of the sunlight through the atmosphere to the eye is longest, the blue and green components are removed almost completely, leaving the longer wavelength orange, red and pink light.
  • The remaining pinkish sunlight can also be scattered by cloud droplets and other relatively large particles, which give the sky above the horizon a pink or reddish glow.
  • Pink is one of the most common colors of flowers; it serves to attract the insects and birds necessary for pollination and perhaps also to deter predators. The color comes from natural pigments called anthocyanins, which also provide the pink in raspberries.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit.
  • Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin.
  • In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Ability Name

  • des
    • In the 17th century, the word pink or pinke was also used to describe a yellowish pigment, which was mixed with blue colors to yield greenish colors.
    • Although pink is generally considered a tint of red, the colors of most tints of pink are slightly bluish, and lie between red and magenta.
    • Thomas Jenner's A Book of Drawing, Limning, Washing (1652) categorises "Pink & blew bice" amongst the greens (p. 38), and specifies several admixtures of greenish colors made with pink—e.g. "Grasse-green is made of Pink and Bice, it is shadowed with Indigo and Pink … French-green of Pink and Indico [shadowed with] Indico" (pp. 38–40). In William Salmon's Polygraphice (1673), "Pink yellow" is mentioned amongst the chief yellow pigments (p. 96), and the reader is instructed to mix it with either Saffron or Ceruse for "sad" or "light" shades thereof, respectively.

Ability Name

  • des
    • Grow lights often use a combination of red and blue wavelengths, which generally appear pink to the human eye.
    • Pink neon signs are generally produced using one of two different methods. One method is to use neon gas and a blue or purple phosphor, which generally produces a warmer (more reddish) or more intense shade of pink. Another method is to use an argon/mercury blend and a red phosphor, which generally produces a cooler (more purplish) or softer shade of pink.
    • Pink LEDs can be produced using two methods, either with a blue LED using two phosphors (yellow for the first phosphor, and red, orange, or pink for the second), or by placing a pink dye on top of a white LED. Color shifting was a common issue with early pink LEDs, where the red, orange, or pink phosphors or dyes faded over time, causing the pink color to eventually shift towards white or blue. These issues have been mitigated by the more recent introduction of more fade-resistant phosphors.
Realtionship They/Them

This whole section scrolls now! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vulputate tristique ligula, non fringilla neque tempus sit amet. Maecenas ornare nulla quis hendrerit convallis. Nunc lobortis orci at congue aliquam. Pellentesque sollicitudin nec metus sit amet pharetra. Nulla diam ex, facilisis et velit quis, auctor dignissim lectus. Ut ac blandit lorem. Proin id eros ultricies, pellentesque est hendrerit, sollicitudin libero.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vulputate tristique ligula, non fringilla neque tempus sit amet. Maecenas ornare nulla quis hendrerit convallis. Nunc lobortis orci at congue aliquam. Pellentesque sollicitudin nec metus sit amet pharetra. Nulla diam ex, facilisis et velit quis, auctor dignissim lectus. Ut ac blandit lorem. Proin id eros ultricies, pellentesque est hendrerit, sollicitudin libero.

Realtionship They/Them

This whole section scrolls now! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vulputate tristique ligula, non fringilla neque tempus sit amet. Maecenas ornare nulla quis hendrerit convallis. Nunc lobortis orci at congue aliquam. Pellentesque sollicitudin nec metus sit amet pharetra. Nulla diam ex, facilisis et velit quis, auctor dignissim lectus. Ut ac blandit lorem. Proin id eros ultricies, pellentesque est hendrerit, sollicitudin libero.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vulputate tristique ligula, non fringilla neque tempus sit amet. Maecenas ornare nulla quis hendrerit convallis. Nunc lobortis orci at congue aliquam. Pellentesque sollicitudin nec metus sit amet pharetra. Nulla diam ex, facilisis et velit quis, auctor dignissim lectus. Ut ac blandit lorem. Proin id eros ultricies, pellentesque est hendrerit, sollicitudin libero.

Realtionship They/Them

This whole section scrolls now! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vulputate tristique ligula, non fringilla neque tempus sit amet. Maecenas ornare nulla quis hendrerit convallis. Nunc lobortis orci at congue aliquam. Pellentesque sollicitudin nec metus sit amet pharetra. Nulla diam ex, facilisis et velit quis, auctor dignissim lectus. Ut ac blandit lorem. Proin id eros ultricies, pellentesque est hendrerit, sollicitudin libero.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus vulputate tristique ligula, non fringilla neque tempus sit amet. Maecenas ornare nulla quis hendrerit convallis. Nunc lobortis orci at congue aliquam. Pellentesque sollicitudin nec metus sit amet pharetra. Nulla diam ex, facilisis et velit quis, auctor dignissim lectus. Ut ac blandit lorem. Proin id eros ultricies, pellentesque est hendrerit, sollicitudin libero.
