choloe vardak



24 days, 1 hour ago


they HAAATE to see a transfem get her derp on

NAME: Choloe vardak ("choloe" pronounced like Chloe)

AGE: 10.62 solar sweeps (23 years old)

SPECIES: rustblooded troll

GENDER: transfem (she/her)

ORIENTATION: virgin femcel (jk she's bi)

she's a shy and anxious bookworm, mostly just burying herself in her yaoi mangas all the time. choloe doesn't like to go out too often mostly because she's terrefied of the imperial drones (and almost everything else). she mostly only leaves her hive to go get groceries and to attend to her anime club (which consists of only her and two other """friends"""). she doesn't know what she wants in life other than survive, she doesn't really have a wider outlook on things and is usually just assumes the worst on everything. 

she has really few friends, two of which only hang out with her because they pity her (and also because she *used* to be their token gay friend... yeah those two are shitty people), the other friend, cierga, genuinally does like her, and tries her best to make her feel welcome everytime that she's around. Choloe is really grateful to have her around.

she eventually ends up meeting a human through the internet, and they bond over living similar life expiriences (choloe has absolutely NO idea she's talking to a human, though)


-her classpect is the sylph of light

-she has extremely poor eyesight (the reason her eyes are like that is because they're fogged over)

-her lusus is a plant-like sloth she calls slothmom

-she LOOOOVES anything involving zombies or frankenstein-esq monsters, specially manga

-she likes making music, but doesn't show her tracks to ANYONE