Midnight L'Mois



8 years, 8 months ago


Madeline L’mois


"I have the info you seek... for a price"

Name Madeline L'mois Personality Manipulating, intelligent, sickly, curious, sly, power-hungry
Age 25 Orientation Aromantic Pansexual
Gender Female Skills Negotiation, manipulation, wordplay
Titles Lady Midnight Abilities Is able to steal the soul of any living person, which kills them. They can be used for a variety of things, including strength for the catcher, and sometimes in extreme cases, if the catcher has a long-term terminal illness, sustains their life.
Likes jewelry
trendy fashion
pampering herself
being in power
Dislikes politics
other soul catchers
noisy people

Lady Midnight


Born in revolution-era France, Midnight grew up a sickly and weak child. It wasn't until she reached the age of sixteen that she discovered her true ability: she was a Soul Catcher. By this point in her life, her illness had been diagnosed as a chronic sickliness that would eventually kill her due to a weakened immune system. However, as she began to soul catch more and more, she noticed her health beginning to gradually improve. She had less sickly days and was able to get out and around more. But she kept her ability a secret, fearing the effects of the Revolution would draw her into one side or another and force her to fight.

As she was born to a high-class family, it was only a matter of time before the revolution caught up with them. Her home was broken into and her and her family kidnapped, taken to be executed. Midnight, on the other hand, had a different idea about what she wanted to happen. She had been long estranged from her family, for they had shunned their weak daughter and had figured she wouldn't have lasted to take over the family business. Midnight allowed her family to meet their ends at the guillotine but before her chance was up, she stole the souls of the others on death-row, killed the guards and escaped.

She left France, eventually moving to England, noticing that her growth was slowing with the more souls she caught. Eight years later, she had quit growing completely and settled down into a quiet life in London. She established a criminal organization by name of The Alliance. Over the years, she began to realize that she was not the only Soul Catcher in the world; there were others like her, and she began to recruit them to her organization and to build their power. She traveled as she recruited, visiting other parts of Eurpoe and eventually traveling to the Americas as she did. She rescued a child soul catcher called Rasheif and took him on as her type of prodigy, training and honing his abilities.

Currently, she still travels from the Alliance and recruits soul catchers. She usually lives in a small city outside London where the headquarters are located. Midnight is well known in the soul catcher community for being the foremost authority on soul catcher knowledge and lore; she has devoted her life to studying what she is and where they came from. An audience with her is highly sought-after, but good luck getting one unless you're willing to pay or have something worth her time.


2069039_GUEGPee2hdTCP3C.png Rasheif

a brother, a comrade, a friend

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