Versai Vinseux Gardenier



8 years, 5 months ago


Versai Gardenier


"a nice quote here"

Name Versai Vinseux Gardenier Personality Odd, sarcastic, fiercely protective, formal, polite, detached
Age 25 Orientation Aromantic pansexual
Gender Female Skills Misreading expressions
Titles Versai, Sai Abilities Can control air to a certain degree; mainly manipulating currents, creating small tornadoes, creating air blades, and for help in flight
Status Single Significant Other None
Likes alone time
resting and relaxing
food (fruit)
friends & family
Dislikes magic
most demons
liars & cheaters
cold weather

Arc 1


Versailles is a half-soul, a strange creature that half of their soul forged away into a sword at birth. She is an anomaly among her kind, however, as she was born with not one but two souls within her body. The Guild, the organization that controls and owns all half-souls, took one of her souls and hid it away in another blade, which was then shattered and sent to various locations all over the world. Versai was unaware of this for years until she managed to achieve Elite status within the Guild, at which time the truth was made known to her. Enraged, she left the Guild and set out to reclaim the pieces of her lost second soul, consumed with the idea that if she managed to collect all seven pieces of the broken blade she would be whole again, no longer a broken half-soul. Verai still travels the world in pursuit of her second blade, having reclaimed only one of the seven pieces she needs. With a vendetta against the Guild and a wit as sharp as her blade, Versai promises to be a fearsome ally and an even more terrifying enemy.


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