


5 months, 14 days ago



A long furred, white calico tom with ginger tabby and black patches, bright green eyes, and a fluffy tail. He has a spotted nose and fluffy cheek tufts.

"I'll care for them like they're my own, if you'd allow it. They'll be safe from the troubled history that led you here."

| nomenclature

Osprey - for his tabby patches
heart - for his loving personality

| age


| birth season


| gender

trans male | he/him

| orientation


| story

Frostbound Paws

| loyalty

PeakClan (reluctantly)

| rank

unofficial prisoner

| voice claim

Stevonnie - Steven Universe


Ospreyheart is a PeakClan warrior formerly from FrostClan. He fled his former alliance, WhisperClan, with a small group of his clanmates in search of a better home. When the group split up into three clans, he chose to live under Rainstar's leadership with his brother and father. He later gave up his place in FrostClan to go to PeakClan to protect two of his adopted kits from unfortunate circumstances.

"Just remember when you grow up, your heart dies."


On the outside, he can be very excitable, outgoing, and friendly. He's often the one trying to convince others to "see the good in everyone" for better or for worse. He wears his heart on his sleeve and generally tries to justify others' actions when cats are mean to him, often denying the possibility that it might be from a result of dislike or genuine malice towards him. He genuinely wants the best for everyone, but would probably be easy to manipulate if he got into the wrong crowd, as long as he's given a reason to believe that what he's doing is for good, he can easily be convinced to do most actions. Underneath his enthusiasm lie deep rooted insecurities and self esteem issues, especially related to his skills as a warrior, and a heart full of gold that's bound to be crushed sooner or later.

  • Likes
    • voles (favorite food)
    • hunting
    • making friends
    • romance
    • his kits
  • Dislikes
    • confrontation
    • rejection
    • WhisperClan
    • conflict
    • Thornstar
    • Applesnap lying to him

















  • Father: Sunsnatcher
  • Mother: Spottedpiper
  • Siblings: Tigereyes
  • Ex Mate: Applesnap
  • Kits: Whirlpaw, Elkpaw, Gingerpaw, Forestpaw


Ospreykit was born to Spottedpiper and Sunsnatcher in WhisperClan alongside his brother Tigerkit. During his time in the nursery, Ospreykit befriended Applekit, one of his denmates. He struggled to make friends with his peers growing up, other cats often finding him annoying with his obliviousness and naivety even for his age, but Applekit didn't mind, she was very patient with him. [ Read more ]

{ kithood }

The kits were only a few moons old when Spottedpiper mysteriously disappeared on a mission sent by Whisperstar. Most of the clan assumed a predator had gotten her, but Sunsnatcher remained uncertain. He tried his best to comfort his kits in the absence of their mother, lying that Spottedpiper was alive but had found a better place for her to live. Osprey believed this lie into his apprenticeship while Tiger was less guillible as he got older. He often wondered why his mother hadn't wanted to stay with him, but he hadn't known her long enough to remember her too well.

{ adolescence }

During his apprenticeship, his father grew more distant with his kits, struggling over the grief of his mate that he didn't allow himself to properly process, wanting to stay strong and positive for his children. Because of this, Ospreypaw unconsciously adopted the same mindset of toxic positivity, to try to put on a brave face for others even when you're hurting. He applied this logic to his jealousy towards his brother, envying Tigereyes for being born male for reasons he didn't yet understand. He spent a long time trying to convince himself that he liked being a "she-cat" before he finally accepting that he had always felt like a tom.

{ adulthood }

As a young warrior, Applesnap quickly grew fond of the tom Jasperfang, which made Ospreyheart incredibly jealous. He knew a part of it was because Applesnap began spending less time with him, but deep down he knew it was because of romantic feelings that he secretly harbored for the she-cat. He wanted his friend to be happy, so he kept them a secret. When Applesnap began to hang out with him less and less however, he grew confused and hurt. Jasperfang didn't like Ospreyheart much, and discouraged Applesnap from being around him anymore, their friendship slowly fizzling away.

The clan leader, Whisperstar, grew more harsh towards his clanmates, and tensions rose, sending WhisperClan into a rebellion as cats tried to stand up for themselves. Due to Ospreyheart's passive nature, he stayed out of it, easily being manipulated by Whisperstar's message that everything his leader was doing was for the good of the clan. His father and brother caught on to the dangers of staying in WhisperClan however, and they joined a small group of cats on the journey to flee the clan. Ospreyheart trusted their judgement so he followed them, slowly realizing just how messed up his former clan was the longer he spent away from it. To his relief, Applesnap and Jasperfang joined them on the journey, but when the group split up into three clans, he and Applesnap went their separate ways once more. Ospreyheart chose to go to FrostClan with his family since they had been more loyal to him than Applesnap had, though it hurt to realize that they were no longer clanmates.

{ RP history }

A few moons later, Ospreyheart finds Applesnap alone on his clan's territory. The she-cat explains that she has fled PeakClan and her mate, and is expecting Jasperfang's kits. Despite the turmoil their friendship has been through, Ospreyheart wastes no time to invite her to seek shelter in FrostClan so her kits will be safe. It takes a lot of convincing, but eventually she agrees.

Applesnap is welcomed into FrostClan with open arms due to being an expecting queen, but things remain rocky between the two, as Ospreyheart is struggling to move past the pain and betrayal he still feels towards Applesnap. This struggle continues until Ospreyheart is injured when fleeing from a snow leopard, and Applesnap is there to comfort him, being very emotional and distraught after nearly losing him. Ospreyheart is able to finally see how much she still cares for him, and they grow closer after her litter of kits are born.

During the kits' birth, the snow leopard attacks FrostClan's camp, killing many of their clanmates, including Ospreyheart's father, Sunsnatcher. This sends Ospreyheart into a pit of despair and anxiety that his new home is not safe, even once the leopard has been killed. Following in his father's pawsteps, he bottles up his grief for the sake of his kits.

Ospreyheart eventually gets the courage to ask Applesnap to be his mate, which she happily accepts, and briefly the two's worries are left behind. Ospreyheart happily gushes about her and their family at the clan gathering. Unfortunately, the PeakClan warrior Cinderwisp overhears this, later spotting two of Applesnap's kits at the border and ends up telling Thornstar about them. Thornstar ends up coming to FrostClan camp with Cinderwisp and revealing that Applesnap did not just flee previously from PeakClan; but killed her mate Jasperfang before she did so. Ospreyheart is shocked to find out that his mate has been keeping this from him this whole time, and even more horrified when Thornstar demands to either take Applesnap's kits back to PeakClan in exchange for her life, or for her to allow him to kill her. Applesnap would rather be killed than give up her kits, but Ospreyheart can't bring himself to allow it. They eventually decide on only giving up Gingerkit and Elkkit (lying that they only had two kits) under the condition that Ospreyheart join them in PeakClan. Thornstar is extremely resistent to this, but after Ospreyheart willingly allows himself to be beat up in a fight by Cinderwisp to prove his loyalty, Thornstar agrees. Applesnap resents Ospreyheart for allowing two of her kits to be taken, and says she can never forgive him for his decision. Meanwhile Ospreyheart is deeply hurt by Applesnap's lies, and the two inevitably break up as Ospreyheart goes to PeakClan with Gingerkit and Elkkit.




Ospreyheart hates it in PeakClan. He doesn't see Thornstar as his true leader, and being forced to join it really sours the experience for him. He is grateful to get to stay with his kits however, and is slowly recognizing that not every PeakClan cat agrees with Thornstar.

Sunsnatcher . [ father ] Sunsnatcher was a very playful and fun father when Ospreykit was growing up. He was not at all strict with his kits, especially after their mothers' passing, which recieved some distaint from their clanmates. After Tigerpaw and Ospreypaw became apprentices however, he grew more distant, unable to get past the grief he felt for Spottedpiper. They rebonded during the journey, but Sunsnatcher remained a somewhat distant figure who Ospreyheart put on a pedastal up until his death.

Tigereyes . [ brother ] Tigereyes is Ospreyheart's funloving littermate and brother who he has a very playful dynamic with. He is the more bold and protective of the two, more likely to engage in a fight or stand up for his brother while Osprey is more passive (though they are both very protective of one another). With no other siblings, the two were inseparable growing up, and their bond has remained strong into adulthood. It was only until recently that their paths in life began to diverge, as Ospreyheart took up raising Applesnap's kits while Tigereyes doesn't feel anywhere near ready for a family.

Applesnap . [ ex mate ] Applesnap was Ospreyheart's childhood friend who he had a secret crush on. When they became warriors, Applesnap chose another tom, Jasperfang, as a mate, and began to distance herself from Osprey in her newfound relationship, which broke his heart. Feeling hurt and betrayed,the two drifted apart, only reconnecting when they fled from WhisperClan together. Applesnap chose to join PeakClan, and it was then that Ospreyheart fully let go of their friendship. However a few moons later she came to him for help after fleeing her mate and clan with an expected litter of kits on the way. Despite everything, Ospreyheart was quick to take her in to FrostClan, promising to help raise the kits by her side. During this time he struggled with learning to trust Applesnap again. After the kits were born, his feelings resparked, but he fears ruining their family if he makes his love known.

Voidsong . [ friend ] Voidsong is the first friend that Ospreyheart makes after joining FrostClan. Despite them having shared the journey together, they barely knew each other in WhisperClan, and bonded over their struggle to adjust to the new environment and discomfort from the group splitting up. Ospreyheart is supportive of Voidsong's dreams to become a medicine cat, and is the first to congratulate her when she gets the position. In turn, she is there for him emotionally when he's willing to open up.

Whirlpaw . [ adopted daughter ] Ospreyheart was very close and playful with Whirlkit when she was little, developing a strong bond with the empathetic kit. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to watch her grow up when his time in FrostClan was cut short thanks to Thornstar.

Elkpaw . [ adopted son ] Like any of his kits, Ospreyheart is extremely protective of Elkpaw, even though he is the brashest of the litter. He bravely tried to attack Thornstar and Cinderwisp when they were hurting his father, but Ospreyheart was quick to stop him from putting himself at risk. He's very upset that his dear son has to be mentored by an awful cat like Cinderwisp.

Gingerpaw . [ adopted daughter ] Gingerpaw has always been close with Ospreyheart from the beginning, acting like his little shadow as a kit in the nursery. Ospreyheart recognized that she had some spunk to her however, and that was why she was one of the kits he thought could most make it in PeakClan. He feels immense guilt for having to make the decision at all, wondering if she'd still love him if she knew the truth.

Forestpaw . [ adopted son ] Ospreyheart recognized Forestkit as the smallest and most fragile of the litter; both mentally and physically. He loved all of his kits equally, but recognized that Forestkit and Whirlkit would have more trouble in PeakClan than the other two, hence why he didn't choose Forestkit as one of the kits to let Thornstar take. Ospreyheart misses him dearly and hates that he had to miss his apprentice ceremony.

Cinderwisp . [ enemy ] Cinderwisp was the cat who told Thornstar about Applesnap's kits, and helped bring them to PeakClan by force. He was ordered to attack Ospreyheart as a test, and though the ginger tom didn't want to, Ospreyheart doesn't know any different. He absolutely despises the tom, and hates that he was chosen to be his son Elkpaw's mentor.

Canyonflight . [ hesitant ally ] Canyonflight is the only friendly face that Ospreyheart has met in PeakClan so far. He helped reunite Ospreyheart with his kits after a beating from Thornstar which he is grateful for, but Ospreyheart isn't certain yet if he can fully trust the tom.


  • he loves swimming
  • he doesn't get along with his leader as well as he thought he would.
  • he envies his brother a bit for being AMAB.
  • he only joined FrostClan to be with his brother and father.
  • his romantic type seems to be brown and white tabbies.
  • he doesn't mind the thought of birthing kits, but he doesn't prefer it.

code by Leporidebug