


2 months, 5 days ago


Link to Your Profile: https://toyhou.se/CPaltwinged624

Trackie Name: (name of the coaster) 滑行龙/DragonRollerCoaster

Trackie Pronouns: He/Him

Trackie Class: kiddie (defunct)

Trackie Designer: Beowuulf

How you got this Trackback: Contest prize

Original Contest Below:


Nǐ hǎo, and happy Year of the Dragon!

In recognition of the Chinese Zodiac Calendar and the spirit of Easter, I've put together a little scavenger hunt for you to enjoy!

I've hidden 9 coloured coins around my personal Toyhouse, the Trackbacks Masterlist, and the Discord Server, and you have to find them! The first person to find all 9 will win the hunt


🏆 Prizes 🏆

First place will receive 滑行龙/Dragon Roller Coaster

There will be runner-up prizes; the amount will be based on how many people participate!

Furthermore, there is a participation prize, as a thank you for trying out my event! Finding a single coin will automatically guarantee you a simple headshot or icon commission, free of charge!

🏁 Participating 🏁

To participate, all you have to do is find the coins! There are 9 coins hidden throughout my own personal Toyhouse, as well as the Trackbacks Masterlist Toyhouse and the Trackbacks Discord Server, each with a different colour (and corresponding name): Jade, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Black, Blue, Red, Deep Purple, and Bright Purple. The congratulations message you receive will let you know which coin you've found

When you find a coin, simply comment, reply or react to it depending on what platform you've found it on, and I will note down which you've found (when you find a coin in Discord, please react with a 🏆 specifically). If you're unable to comment or reply on Toyhouse for whatever reason, or don't have access to the discord server, no worries! Just shoot me a DM (either with a screenshot of the coin you've found or to ask for an invite link)

If you find all 9 coins and I don't respond, don't fear! I'm likely asleep or at work and will be looking at timestamps to ensure that a winner is determined accurately

Lastly, there's no specific order that the coins need to be found in, so go wild!

🚫 Rules 🚫

There will be no time limit to the event! It will end as soon as somebody has found all 9 coins, so the only time you need to worry about is how fast everyone else is collecting the coins. Remember, as long as there's a coin left to find, you're still in the race!

Please refrain from asking others for clues or coin locations, or offering them to others! It spoils the fun and defeats the point of a scavenger hunt. If you're struggling I'm happy to offer all the hints you need and point you in the right direction without giving them away entirely. This also prevents misinformation from spreading, which is malicious even if unintentional

The purposeful spreading of misinformation will not be tolerated. This could include lying about a coin's location or faking a coin. I will also be verifying if you've found all 9, so don't try to fake a coin discovery if you're one short, please!

On that note, however, feel free to joke around and banter with others, and little white lies about how close you are to finding all 9 are completely okay, and do not count as part of the previous rule! Just remember to remain sceptical about what information is shared around

Discussion of the coins is allowed as long as no important information is shared! For example, commiserating over the difficulty of the Red Coin with others who have found it without giving away the location or any clues is well within your rights to do

If you want to verify the validity of a coin or snippet of information, please come to me directly! My DMs are open at all times, and I can be pinged in event chat as well for any other needs you might have (that includes hints!)

And finally, your first hint: click everything.

*Due to the use of HTML, some of the Toyhouse parts of the hunt may not be visible to mobile users!