Julian Hall



5 years, 9 months ago


a horror/mystery channel covered his story in a video titled "the disappearance of Julian Hall" Julian Hall was an elementary school student -perhaps 8 years old - when he disappeared. children disappear sometimes, it is unfortunate but true, but his disappearance is one of the more mysterious ones known on the internet's true crime communities. the story goes that Julian was on a field trip with his class. they were having an end of year picnic at a park. this event happened every year, but this was Julian's first year at this school so he had never gone before. while there, he innocently asked a teacher why there were bones in the ground. the teacher, at first thinking he'd stumbled upon a dead mouse or something, said that sometimes animals die and gave a little lesson about the circle of life. he said no, not the small bones, the ones that are us-sized QuantumSky08/27/2018 Julian was an eccentric kid, but even so it caused enough curiosity over his insistence that there were human sized bones in the ground that someone agreed to dig. just to be done with the curiosity. there were bones. many bones. the official story was that somehow Julian had stumbled upon some exposed bones, prompting the dig and discovery of an ancient burial ground. it was sealed to the public and all the bones and artifacts were removed. the park was reopened. however, after school ended the Hall family left town. both parents quit their jobs without any notice and the family moved without any farewell or fanfare. the parents turned up a few times, always briefly, apparently separated. just a few sightings here and there. Julian was never seen again. speculation raises from the simple to the extreme. many people believe that the family was not pleased with the attention on their son in connection to such a morbid discovery. many people also believe that Julian didn't discover an ancient burial ground. instead, they claim, he discovered a hidden mass grave/graveyard that someone didn't want found. his family attempted to escape the consequences but was unable. that's considered a wild theory of course. but Julian Hall regrets to inform you that it is true. his long, dark hair is braided back on the sides and all pulled into high, messy ponytail. he has a scar across his cheek from a narrow miss with the people who wanted him dead as a child. his ratty thrifted (stolen) clothes are layered to keep out the chill of an autumn night, which can get quite cold in the tunnels and sewers he calls home. Julian has, put simply, a specific sort of echolocation. It transmits best through solid objects. Walls, for example. The ground, for another. He can basically see inside a solid objects. That meant when he looked down in that park as a child, he discovered of piles and piles of scattered bones. a grave site that (insert nasty person or group) really didn't want discovered. they'd had a shell company fund the park there just to keep it hidden. who would dig up a park? his family fled when they realized they were in danger, but Julian was briefly captured and separated from his parents. he has lived on his own since then. he lives in sewers, maintenance tunnels, etc. he can find them and similar hidden shelters using the vibrations to create a mental map of the underground world.