
2 months, 13 hours ago

Basic Info


Regretevator (Roblox)

Floor Found

TV Says




From foot to real head: 5'8", From foot to top of TV: 5'11" (For reference, their eyes are level with NPCs like Poob and Bive)


Freelance technician / "Game" host

Can Enter Elevator



No (By Players), Yes (By Spikes or MR)


Yes (Minigame), No (In Elevator)


Lawful Evil



Vee has the appearance of a humanoid with a large, retro TV that acts as their head. Their skin is pure white. By default, the TV is full of colored static with one large eye in the middle and two smaller eyes in the corners. They all have black pupils. The main eye works normally while the smaller ones usually look in different directions independently. The only time all eyes focus on one spot is when Vee is surprised or focusing. The sides of the TV both have 1 knob and audio vents. The top of the TV has two antennae and a red button in the center. Vee wears a black, oversized sweatshirt with a large front pocket at the bottom. On their legs, they wear thigh-high leg warmers that are snug on the thighs and are large and loose past the knee. They wear black boots that are barely visible as the leg warmers cover them. When they're thinking, their eyes will be covered by colored pixels. They can be seen hitting the side of their TV head to make the pixels disperse. When they're upset, monochrome static will take over the screen and cover their eyes. When happy over being gifted something (ex: showered with rose petals) a pixel heart will appear on their screen.


In TV Says, 2 of the 3 large TV screens resembling Vee's will look down on the players as they play. At the end of the level, they will jump from the middle TV screen and enter the elevator, congratulating any surviving players. If the elevator is full, Vee will stand outside the doors until they shut. If MR is in the elevator, they will turn to their left and run off-screen. They exit the elevator on the 3008 floor and teleport back once the level has ended. They will exit the elevator on the SharkCo Mall floor and not return.

Personality-wise, Vee is narcissistic and sees most other NPCs below them in intelligence. They work alone and don't mind being around people as long as they don't bother them. Vee switches between actively ignoring people who try to get their attention to having long joyful conversations with the same people. They're straightforward regarding their personal opinions but is also a pathological liar to hide their true feelings toward other NPCs so they will like them and they can keep them around to be useful. When encountering another narcissist who acts just like them, they will quickly grow annoyed and show their true self. They can compliment people and be genuine about it but will deny it when in a bad mood.


In Game

  • Vee was designed by UndecidedGender
  • Vee's dialogue when hit with a snowball is a reference to the "Oh great heavens" meme
  • MR will burn Vee when it cuts out the lights
  • Vee was going to have a twin brother named Tee who would be an NPC that would have a 50% chance of spawning instead of Vee but was changed to be a character that only comes up in dialogue and photos
  • Vee's speaking sound comes from the "Chinese Barbie toy phone" specifically the line "Can I help you?" but sped up
  • Their idle line "I could really go for a big pot right now" is a reference to shield potions in Fortnite
  • Their idle line "Many people have called me 'The greatest technician that's ever lived'" is a reference to Andy from Salem Techsperts
  • Their line when entering the elevator is a reference to Mark Zuckerberg "Nice job team."
  • The button on the top of their TV is a power button but it can't be pressed by players
  • Vee is immune to the gas in the Hotel Room due to their inability to breathe
  • Meeting Vee for the first time will give the SCREEN ADDICT badge


  • They are a gamer and plays Fortnite
  • When they have a vivid dream, it plays on their TV screen
  • Vee doesn't like Scag and thinks she is incredibly annoying. Prototype too. They just doesn't like most robots that use AI
  • Underneath the TV head, they have a floating eye that acts as their real head. When they replace the TV, they take their eye out and place it into the new TV before putting it on
  • Vee has the power of television manipulation and can use TVs to teleport
  • The only person who has seen them without their TV head was Pest when they asked for help replacing their head when it got stuck. He basically just ripped it off and they let him keep it
  • Vee doesn't like the way flatscreens have taken over the market and they have been collecting retro TVs since they were 12
  • Vee has no confirmed age but they are older than 23 and younger than 30
  • They have borderline personality disorder and trichotillomania
  • Vee's birthday is October 18th and is a Libra
  • Despite their TV head being over 30 pounds, they can move surprisingly quick
  • In one of their idle lines, they acknowledge the existence of their twin brother and don't know what happened to him
  • Their intelligence is on par with Pest but they believe they are smarter than him
  • Vee's first language is English and their second is Mandarin. They only learned Mandarin because they heard how hard it is to learn and wanted the challenge
  • Vee thinks Pilby is annoying and instead of insulting them or faking being nice, they avoid talking to them. Vee tries to stay on their good side so Mach won't hate Vee.
  • The red button on the top of their TV head acts as a power button and shuts off the screen. Vee can still walk around but won't be able to see or talk and their hearing will be muffled
  • They had eyelashes but picked at them so much that they stopped growing
  • Vee has a lot of money but won't tell anyone how they make it (They host games of Russian Roulette and has never lost)
  • They don't eat or breathe and instead of drinking coffee or energy drinks, they can plug their TV head into an outlet
  • They like to slap
  • Vee has no sense of smell but takes good care of their hygiene out of fear they would smell bad... like Bive
  • Vee loves to build computers and work on broken or old tech that people have given up on
  • They have extremely good eyesight and their TV head lets them zoom in on things. They use this a lot when working with small pieces
  • Vee is glad that they don't have a normal face since when someone cries in front of them, no one can see them grimace
  • They are Aromantic Bisexual
  • Vee can't stand old people due to their lack of knowledge of technology and their lack of social awareness
  • They dislike animals with fur since it can get in the vents of their TV and most tech in general, so they prefer reptiles and bugs
  • They are lawful evil because almost everything they do is for their personal gain and follow rules, but only those that work in their favor
  • They have an Ace Attorney-style breakdown sequence when they break one of their own rules and pass out
  • Vee loves to do risky things and play dangerous games, that's why their floor is the way it is
  • They don't fear death
  • When they work on TVs or computers that have been used, they wear black gloves
  • The rectangle knob on the left side of their head controls the zoom and the rounded knob on the right side controls the audio
  • Vee is AFAB and has scars from breast reduction surgery
  • They have pet hognose snakes, a giant African millipede, and they raise and release giant silk moth