🌑 ⟣ indigoveil



2 months, 9 days ago


deep blue color; for his dark coat. | hiding his emotions.
12 moons
birth season
early dry season
asexual biromantic
i've gotten good at living on someone else's page . . .

as dark as the caves that hide him, he quietly waits, his demeanor contrasting those of his sisters. the tom has never been fond of the traditions that hold him down, yet he follows them regardless. his dark fur representing his name sticks out in spikes that compliment him, yet never once does a single strand flow out of place.

the dark tom holds his feelings well, his face never betraying what he truly feels inside. he has mastered the skill of concealing his emotions, appearing nonchalant too those who not know how to look so deeply. his feelings is what he considers personal, only showing how he truly thinks and acts to those he loves so dearly.

calming protective lazy anxious unforgiving mischievous

  • his prescense provides a grand tranquility to those who least expect it, his ways with words and soft voice finding its way to calm others hearts.
  • he isn't one to back down from a fight, especially when it comes to those he is close with.
  • there's hardly a part of him that loves working, prefering to lay in the sun and sleep, never once lifting a paw
  • cross him or his family, he won't forget your name or your face, holding a grudge that'll last until the end of time.
  • contrasting his relaxed demeanor, he loves to play, often coming up with fun pranks or lighthearted teases.
  • when he feels overwhelmed by intruding thoughts, he makes sure they're never revealed.
  • taking naps
  • sunbathing
  • working too much
  • feeling imcompetent

due to irispool wanting to start anew and raise a litter successfully, she asked lionswoop to sire and became pregnant. she gave birth to three kits, one of them being indigo, the only son of the litter. there is only one spark of memory that he remembers, being snatched away from his now unfamiliar home and being awoken at a cave. indigo hardly remembers moonclan, supposedly being the place where he was born in. he hardly asks about the old clan anyways.

out of the three, he was one of the calmest kits, being the easiest to take care of. he loved relaxing in the sun and taking naps, however, this hadn’t meant that this stopped him from playing, often joining in whatever fun game his sisters came up with. when his mother, irispool, told them about her past, he had felt horrible for what she had been through. indigo promised her that he’d be a good cat, and would always make the best decisions! he kept this promise throughout the rest of his kithood, often going up to his parents to ask for their approval.

indigo was apprenticed to shadowfeather. during the first few moons he often refused to go to training, wanting to relax in the sun. still, he prefers to not to get into any trouble so he goes to his sessions, yet still reluctant.

throughout his apprenticeship, he divdied his time to his duties, and to napping. as much as he loved relaxing and laying in the sun, he knew that he'd stay behind on his training if he continued to slack off. so, with determination to graduate into the hunter role alongside his beloved sisters. he exceled in this training and assessments, his skills being hidden due to avoiding them so often. finally, he was named beside his sisters, gaining the name indigoveil, for his concealment of emotions. he looked on proudly, happy for himself and especially for his thriving sisters.

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Physical Notes
  • height: 9 inches.
  • weight: 8.8 lbs.
  • length: 9.5 inches.
  • fur color: dark blue gradient going to lighter blue.
  • fur pattern: classic tabby markings
    • a few ocoloid spots on shoulders and ears
    • tabby markings under eyes, appearing like tear marks
  • fur texture & length: medium length, well groomed yet has a rough texture
  • long and lanky build
  • olive green eyes, always appear droopy
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mother. loves her dearly and wants to make her proud.
sister. loves his sister and is protective of her.