Lunar Sway



2 months, 4 days ago


This spam was the result of an experiment. Being the result of two young spams being stitched together to see what would happen to the child. And it turns out that these two are doing well despite everything that had happened to them. But you may ask, who would do this to the poor kids? Rhyme. It was Rhyme to did this. Who the heck knows what brought this thought to Rhyme to do such a thing. But at least the kid is still alive despite everything. Just stuck together permanently. 

The two reside in the church now. Being taken care of and growing up there. As it thought it would be best for the two to be there and sheltered from the dangerous stuff that's out in the city. Well... Trying to keep them safe from danger is quite futile while they still live there, still subject to more experiments as they grow up. They don't let the experiments try and dissuade them though, and they still try to find something they both like to hopefully sell or advertise when they CAN get out. They aren't having much luck though. Sway(the purple head) had already given up on trying, but Lunar(the yellow head) tries to keep their hopes up on getting out.

But for now... They're stuck between the church and Rhyme's labs.