Lionel 🦁



1 month, 22 days ago


Name: Lionel 

Age: ???, Year 3

Pronouns: He/Him

Dorm: Scarabia 

Club: Magift

Nationality: Asian

Height: 172cm

Note: He isn't from this world, he comes from the world Mystia in a place called Sorenious

## Info:

*The spotlight is on you*

He's a lion, but not a regular one. His species are more closely related to that of a mythical beast, such as the dragon. In fact, he's quite good friends with Xing Luo, but no one knows how they met in the first place 

Placed into Scarabia as he's often described as a patient but reserved guy. He likes to help around, and when only you're close to him do you get to see his more playful and childish side. He's great at cooking and calligraphy, but sadly since there isn't any of those clubs, he decided to settle on Magift — the closest he can get to pakour 

Not only that, it's rumoured he knows how to play the drums as well. However, since he hasn't joined the Light Music club, it is unsure if that rumour is true or false...

Oranges are one of his favourite fruits, along with cabbages and pineapples. His diet leans towards the vegetarian side, but that doesn't mean he skips meat intake entirely

Despite his reserved personality, he's quite the social butterfly. He easily interacts with anyone around him, and hasn't made any enemies yet so far. Though, they could be rather two faced if you pissed them off, being great at hiding their true feelings

*"Oh, it's you again. Do you need something?"*

## Skillset

"Catch me if you can~"

> The ability to boost his speed and agility to an insane level, allowing him to jump, run, and move at terrifying speeds and swiftness. However, lack of control can result into him crashing into walls, or running off dead ends

"An orange for you?"

> The ability to boost the mood of anyone near him by offering them a fruit, more often times or not it is an orange or mandarin