Dahlia Darlington



1 month, 29 days ago

Basic Info




Female (she/her)




Human (in the process of making herself a doll)



  • Motherly
  • Calm
  • Introvert but acts like an extrovert 

Her Power


After she handmakes and designs all her dolls, she casts guidance on them to bring them to life. The doll then goes through the basic 'brain developmental' process like a normal human does, except their bodies don't grow and they stay in their doll bodies for their whole lifespan.

"Doll manipulation"

This is what the cops call her power to connect her to the recent deaths in the city. What they think is that she magically manipulates her dolls and they don't actually have any autonomy, they just blindly follow Dahlia's every command, much like a puppet. The cops then go to think that she uses these dolls to kidnap and bring people to her boutique so she can kill them and put their souls/brains/etc into these dolls that she 'controls.' This obviously isn't true.

Her Occupation

As a dollmaker, Dahlia creates dolls based on her clients requests; size, aesthetic, gender, you name it. Her 'children'; (the dolls she's created) assist her in both creating the dolls for her clients as well as keeping the boutique clean.

Her Backstory Kinda

She once had a doll made for a client returned all broken. Once she found out that the client hadn't been the nicest to them, Dahlia decided to use Guidance on these dolls so the they can defend themselves or run away and reduce a broken doll ever happening again. The first couple of dolls ended up fine, but after a few, she found out that one of her dolls had killed it's owner due to being continually hurt by them. As time passes, killings similar to this happens more and more often, and rumours have started spreading about her connection to the killings. Now the police are after her. Luckily she runs into Cecilia Everett whilst trying to escape from the cops, and she helps her and her remaining children hide from the police and clear her name.

  • Was also in the process of making a life-sized doll to ‘immortalise’ herself before she dies as a human
    • She’ll get right back to that if/when Cecilia clears her name

Other Information

  • Calls Cecile nicknames to annoy her (but it's like motherly-affectionate nicknames like Damaris)
  • Kinda OP (can make a mini-army of dolls) (if given enough time)