Basic Info

name :


gender :


species :

pegasus / winged pony

sexuality :

bi ( preference to males )


onyx    got into   a fire incident and its what caused the burns on his body , due to it onyx lost one of his wings,  limbs , and an eye to it .

onyx is a very  self-conscious  pony   , he doesnt leaves his house much due to his appearence  .

he hates making  eye contact and struggles to connect with other ponies ,  he doesnt really has many friends, most ponies think of him as cold , creepy  , or weird ,  when hes a huge sweetheart that loves to cuddle .  

due to his burned wing onyx  cant fly  anymore .

 onyx tends to be found in the forest  , he loves nature and being around it , it calms him down .

has no cutiemark because i have no idea yet for it .