


5 years, 9 months ago


Wulgaras the Frenzied
Alliance - Worgen - Fury Warrior

Never shifts back into human, does not remember if he ever could; cannot seem to manage such even when he tries. He's quite uhh sensitive should someone poke fun at such a lack of feature.

Travels with a Night Elf Druid by the name of Aahana Morningsong. Met her by leading her spirit back to her body and kept running into her whenever she pulled too many enemies or was a general hazard to her own well being. The two grouped up and have been inseparable ever since. She is the love of his life and he will kill for her without question...

Wul had thought he had a knack for getting into trouble but Aahana was a whole new level of, fly by the seat of your pants into battle. Anything she starts he's more than happy to finish, and quite proud to in some weird...dog..man..way...

He had never expected to find love, let alone find someone who would not only put up with him but charmingly burrow their way into his heart with interactions that hold little fear of the large worgen.

Wulgaras is a rather large worgen, he is quite proud of this fact as most would think twice to interact with him when he's having a bad day or just wishes to make his way through a town without much fuss. He is quick to anger, but relatively silent should one provoke him. Once he speaks up it is hard to shut him down back into silence again. He knows he has a sickness of frenzy and does his best to keep it under wraps, only using it in a fight and on a battlefield if he has a choice, as thats where he can safely let it out in such a bloodlust. Though with his beloved Aahana they find healthier outlets, ones that they both enjoy together.

He is rather energetic, don't let his silent 'old man' demeanor at times fool you. He is quite mischievous and full of energy, which is a blessing with how much of a jackrabbit his partner is.

Wulgaras does have a rather upsetting past, then again though do many worgens who were born or formed in an area hostile and not understanding to them. He remembers being caged and collared and often with a paired 'behave now' muzzle. It was an enchanted piece of equipment that shocks and in extreme and stubborn cases burn the wearer should they attempt to remove it on their own. It was a small safety precaution to keep said 'beasts' under control while they were being rehabilitated back into men. Wulgaras though was... one the final rehabilitation projects, but had managed to break out of his restraints and left, never looking back on those who called themselves his friend and home. Wulgaras has scars from such equipment burnt into his skin, though with his fur it is hard to see unless you trail over it with your fingers.