my stupid ass comics



1 month, 10 days ago


hello! this is mainly to catalog the stuff i made for myself and compile them all in the same organized space,
you are free to use these in arguments or to explain your own points, to draw over or to edit.

only thing i ask for you is to PLEASE ADD YOUR OWN WATERMARK IF YOU CHANGE IT IN ANY WAY! i dont even care if you erase mine and put your over it, if you go out of your way to misrepresent my point to make racist, sexist or bigoted versions of these to pass of as my own points you are the scum of the earth. anything not posted here is not made by me.

all the comics will be marked with their own trigger warnings

if you disagree or dont understand any of these, please reach out to me i am 100% up to explain and share my beliefs and why i think the way i do, public callouts are entirely unnecessary when im right here and willing to explain everything and anything you might not understand. both in text and voice calls, i will not engage in bad faith or in screaming matches, if youre approaching me to argue and disagree i will not be eager to respond.

tw for :
antitransmasculinity, transphobia, twitter queer discourse (🤮🤮🤮), nazi imagery, hate symbols and general hostility,