


20 days, 4 hours ago


a state of the art android lost in a terrible accident out in deep space, an explosion blowing out the side of a spaceship and ricocheting cargo out into the vacuum. he was heavily damaged and knocked into pieces by the blast, and while his system luckily had the ability to pull itself back together, his memory experienced permanent damage, and he found himself floating through space, unable to remember who he was, where he was from, or what he was meant to be doing. kept alive by his lack of a need for oxygen and the solar panels embedded into his screen, he floated for a long time before bumping into Bird's spaceship and being invited aboard, they're good buds now

Astra (name chosen by himself, his old name certainly a string of numbers) is the epitome of monotone autism, while his screen can show graphics representing different human emotions, his body language remains entirely static, and he occasionally chooses the wrong expression or tone, almost certainly affected by internal damage caused by the accident. this doesn't mean he doesn't experience said emotions, his high-tech emotional response system is still in one piece, it's more just that the connections between that and other parts of him are damaged. he also has minimal interest in social norms, choosing his clothing based on colour more than anything, loose fitting as it's easier to pull over his metal body. he has no need for clothing as his upper and lower limits on temperature are far, far higher than a human and he's as smooth as a ken doll downstairs, it's entirely a hobby for him.

he's also absolutely fascinated by dinosaurs, and absorbs any and all information he receives on them, especially sauropods. if you talk over him infodumping he'll start spitting out text on screen for you to read instead,,