


5 years, 9 months ago


At some point in time she had been taken hostage by Hoenn's local pirate scourge, Delta. At the time, Delta had a hint of mercy towards land Pokemon, but he did occasionally take in hostages. Carnation was one of such occasions. She was taken into their treasury, which is ironically one of the most secure places upon his ship, perfect for locking up prisoners. Once escorted there, she met a Doublade pair, Malice and Renegade (or Mal and Ren for short.) They too were captive on the ship, but this gave Carnation the idea of teaming up with them to escape. At first, they were uncooperative, but through her scheming, it was enough to win them over through her sheer confidence.

Her plan was actually quite silly, all she had to do to get the crew's attention was causing a racket in the treasury by pretending she was getting into a fight with the two. Once their biggest crew member stepped in, he was quickly pounced on and knocked to the ground by the Lopunny's feet, then she quickly shredded through them with the help of her newfound allies. At the time, Delta was pillaging an inhabited island somewhere off the main landmass of Hoenn, so she was already close to land. Escaping the ship, she encountered the captain himself, the shark Vaporeon in the flesh, wielding his traditional weapon; a miniature anchor almost as big as himself. Carnation and the Doublade duo fought with Delta, and despite his strength and superior endurance, Carnation was simply too agile for the Vaporeon's slow body to keep up with, and he was eventually forced to retreat.

The island rejoiced for their Lopunny savior, but it was shortlived, as she insisted that she had places to go, determined to find a place for her expertise in battle, to sate her companions' desire to fight. This eventually led her to Kalos, where at the time, an agency known as the Pack Leader Agency was at war with an unknown anti-agency with the purpose of destroying their business for reasons she didn't initially understand. Through gathering intel she could leak out, she had gained leads on one of the members of this mysterious agency; Stark. Once she had this knowledge, she was ready, she requested Ares, the Pack Leader himself, to come to Kiloude City for a meeting. This, is where she officially joined as a member of the Pack Leader Agency.