Sons of Satan AU



23 days, 11 hours ago


i just want the truth; i don't care about the punishment

Sons of Satan AU
small city
based on Blue Exorcist
theme here


Dante and Scorpio were raised close to the church from the moment they were born. Their mother was always a bit of an extremist when it came to religion and she tried her best to impart these values onto her children as well. For Dante they did not really stick, but Scorpio entrenched himself in the teachings of the church. Things take a turn, however, when one day Dante's mother seems near-possessed by some horrible demonic presence and Dante is forced to kill her out of self defense. This unlocks new powers within him and the greatest secret that had been kept from him all his life is revealed: his father, the one he never met, was no other than the great Devil himself, Satan. He and his twin Scorpio were heirs to hell and all of the damnation that came with it.

Scorpio was aware of this the entire time and chose not to tell his brother. Dante was born with all of the devil blood in him, making him more strongly into half a demon and this shows physically when he grows horns, pointed ears, fangs and a tail after killing his mother. Scorpio is able to pass entirely as human but has been able to see demons since he was a child. This is what pushed him to learn how to become an exorcist and he excelled at it. Dante, in order to avoid persecution by the church he once called home, has to become an exorcist too to prove that he is able to control the devil blood inside of him. Animosity forms between the brothers at this new shift between them thanks to the horrors forced upon them and the religious background they grew up in. Scorpio will have to teach Dante how to be an exorcist or risk his brother be killed by the same priests who swore to protect them all their lives.