Klaus Ludwig



1 month, 1 day ago


Klaus Ludwig

Basic Info

AGE 44
ETHNICITY Half German Half American
GENDER Cisgender Man
ORIENTATION Unlabeled, Male Preference, Aromantic


Klaus is the Medic for the RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition) He is a big guy and a big target on the battle field, but he has his ways of maneuvering throughout the chaos with his weaponry. He uses his Ubercharges sparingly, and when they aren't used to their full potential he gets upset at his fellow teammate. He doesn't like friends, and barely communicates with his coworkers.


He is aloof and self-sufficient, if you try to engage with him he will shut it down, likely to not cooperate with your advancements. He is brooding and does not talk much, and barely engages in team meetings or events. The only time you see him communicating the most is on the battlefield, wanting to get the most out of his experiments. Klaus is sadistic and enjoys seeing pain in others, it used to be a small desire, but it grows more and more throughout his career as a mercenary.


I’m still working out his story but he was born in Germany, his mother being American and father German. Due to unfortunate circumstances, he ends up in an orphanage by the age of 6. He has faced much trauma before, during and after his time at the orphanage and has grown cold to people. He discovered a keen interest in medical books when he was young and wanted to become a surgeon, although his motives for being a surgeon have changed throughout the years...

being hired by RED, he did illegal surgeries on people and sometimes did experimental ones for his own gain or pleasure. It was a sort of escape for him, and it even gave him an alright income for the time. His surgeries were extraordinary, and RED could use his immense skill on the battlefield.

Likes (WIP)

  • Surgical experiments
  • Being alone
  • Reading
  • Studying about the human body
  • Cats
  • Natural lighting
  • Nature during spring time

Dislikes (WIP)

  • Loud obnoxious people
  • People in general
  • Crowds
  • His birthmark
  • The cold



Rudolph is BLU teams medic (OC by zeffdakilla), probably the only other person Klaus talks to. He talks to him because he is also a crazy medic (although Rudolph is more crazy than Klaus) Klaus wouldn't consider it a friendship, he isn't really sure what their relationship is but there is something there. They aren't supposed to communicate in any friendly matter because they are on opposing teams, but Klaus could care less.