⁎ helsing (OG DESCRIPTION)



Nickname/Alias: Hel, “The Wolf”

Gender: Male (he/him; they/them)

Species: Chimereon

Age: Late 20’s (exact age is unknown)

Height: 6’2

Sexuality: Pansexual 

Voice Claim: N/A

Theme Song(s):


Feral, Cold, Introverted, Anti-Social, “Strong-Silent” Type, Sociopathic, Bored, Independent, Neurotic, Head-Strong, Tired, Usually Calm but Can Have Sudden and Violent Bursts of Anger (it’s like walking on a mind-field w/ him), Protective (over anyone he deems close to him), Intimidating, Lone-Wolf, Opportunistic, Loyal, (when in the company of friends) Humorous (often cracks jokes or makes witty remarks/comments)

  • Likes: Meats (deer, fish, rabbit, etc., any and all kinds; carnivore), Hunting, Seclusion, Heavily Wooded or Vegetated Areas, High Places, Sunbathing, Swimming (when it’s hot), Nighttime (easier to hunt then, he also likes to hunt during Dawn and Dusk), Observing Others/People Watching, His “Home” (not really a home for say, but a cave he fancies and keeps a lot of his mementos of his past life within it; often stays/sleeps there during his hibernation), 50’s-60’s Music. 

  • Dislikes: Lots of Social Interaction, People Talking to Him in General (usually if he doesn’t know you, he most likely will ignore you), Physical Contact (he doesn’t necessarily hate it, especially when it’s conducted by people he knows, but greatly doesn’t appreciate it 24/7,,,just now and then), Extreme Temperatures, Chocolate & Sweets (hurts his stomach and he doesn’t like overly sweet things, he’s more of a savory guy), Loud Nosies, Being Surprised/Sneaked Up On (his flight or fight instincts kick, apologies in advance if you get throat punched), Meals or Possessions Getting Taken/Stolen From Him, Others Coming Into HIS Territory, Confrontations (he’s not opposed to fighting, he often has to, to survive, but would rather avoid it as a whole).


  • Survival Instincts. 
  • Physically Strong. 
  • Perseverance.  
  • Athletic. 
  • Skilled Climber. 
  • Mimicry. 
  • Extensive Knowledge of His Surroundings.  


  • Emotionally Detached. 
  • Selfish.
  • Insomniac. (will go several days w/ out sleep, his record is almost a week,,,y i kes)
  • Poor Social Skills/Socially Inexperienced. 
  • Lack of Anger Control. 
  • Purely Instinctual and Ignores Logic at Times.
  • Bottles Up Everything/Internalizes His Feelings. 


  • He was born in the wild, but was found and brought to civilization as a baby.
    • Lived most of his adolescence in his new civilized life until he hit his breaking point.
    • Ran away from his temporary home and returned back to his true home, the forest (at age(s) 10-12??).
    • Has lived and continues to live his life in nature, cursing civilization for his new identity and ideologies, wishing he could’ve just stayed wild without his mind being tainted by society.

  • This is why, although a “feral” chimereon, he can fluently speak and read. (his writing is subpar tho)

  • He is selectively mute and truley ever talks when around friends or when he feels he needs to. (which happens every blue moon)

  • Surprisingly enough, he has two hidden talents, he can play the piano and sing (choosing to actually play instead of singing in most opportunities)

  • Never really returns back to civilized life or interact with civilization at all, he sometimes wonders what it would be like to go back but then remembers the negatives which discourages him from even trying. 

  • Often has a bored or heavy-eyed expression, sometimes he is truly bored but other times he’s something else for once. He just has a hard time expressing emotions and opts. to try and express them through his voice, but even that often comes off as sarcastic or snarky,,,,it just seems like he can never win haha,,

  • TOtally has a RBF (Resting-Bitch-Face).

  • L Oves to hunt and will at any given moment or chance, he is opportunistic after all. He just likes everything about it.

  • Travels a lot through or in trees, when he’s tracking someone, you can hear the gentle snapping of tree branches and rustling of leaves overhead.

  • Has a hiGh metabolism and needs to eat fairly often, as he burns energy from food at a much faster rate then others. This is why he usually looks skinny or slightly underweight; he is healthy but just has a hard time keeping weight. (esp. during winter, this is why he stocks up his fat supply and hibernates as he already has trouble hunting in the thick weather and would rather not die of starvation, thank you)

  • Due to his skinner appearance, this makes him a prime target for more cocky feral chams to try and take his territories,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,big rIP to them.

  • You can usually tell where his territory(s) is by various markings he leaves in the tree’s bark, these being: Teeth/Saber Marks, Claw Marks, Random Symbols, Scent, etc.