


5 months, 12 days ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Trade
For Offer


$4 or art or trade! (Also taking AJPW items :P)

Terms Of Service:
- Once purchased, I will create a profile and transfer them!
- DO NOT delete their original profile OR images! If you redesign them, please make an ‘Old Design’ tab on their profile.
- You may change or alter the design as you see fit! Just not a complete do-over.
- Please do not sell for more than you’ve paid for unless you get more art of them.
- If you sell the design to a user who does not use ToyHouse, PLEASE tell me!
- I will not sell my designs to prosh*ppers, z*os, p*dos, racists and any other insanely bigoted/disgusting groups. I would ask that you do the same with my designs. I do not want these type of people owning my designs.
- I cannot under any circumstances take back a design I sold (unless you wish to give it back)
- And lastly, take care of them! I put a lot of love into my designs, I’m lenient with my TOS and try to make it as simple and free as possible. Please don’t make me regret it ^^’