


2 months, 8 days ago


Teen | Male | Chaos

"Easy," by Waveform


Osuke was born on Chaos Isle. Not much is known about his life there, other than the one morning he was carried over from the Chaos Island on the back of a water wolf who had promised to bring him to safety in exchange for some rare pelts from Chaos Island. 

Osuke is a somewhat quiet wolf. Because of his Chaos nature, and his Ancestral mutation, he often struggles to find words to his feelings, and will heavily rely on body language. He's selective mute, and prefers silence and avoidance of big crowds. He was taken in by the water wolf who took him off Chaos Isle, and the two live a somewhat peaceful life of scavanging and sometimes even travelling back to Chaos island to scavange riches before the two of them disappear back to the main land to sell their goods. 

While he's often quiet and appears more dull on the surface, he has a complex personality. He refuses to speak of what happened on the island before his departure, but he also has no trouble going back. Those that first meet him will find him to be an unamused, distant and moody teen, but once someone gets to know him they will find him quite a charmer with a sense of sly humour. He often teases his adoptive parent with fish-related puns when it's just the two of them.

Physical Description

Symbolized - No
Marked - Yes
Mutated - Yes (Ancestral)


Element - Chaos

Osuke is an AzureHowl Reborn fan character. Species, bases and lore belongs to Shilach

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