
1 month, 25 days ago


Snowy is a snowman stick character. He is 33 years old, and his pronouns are he/snow. His birthday is December 31st, 1990. He works as a cold storage manager, and is questioning his sexuality. Snowy is a gigantic jerk to everyone he meets, and mostly smokes. His best friend is Jacob. He was diagnosed with DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder), and has two identities. Snowy wears a blue hat and bowtie. His other identity, Holly, wears a pink hat and bowtie. Holly is a sweetheart who loves everyone, and is mostly childish.

He was an involved lab experiment with the private company, Drilion, specifically Dr. Rivers. The experiments had gave him ever lasting life, as he started out an average lifeless snowman. The child who made him had severe trauma, which rubbed off onto him. He managed to successfully escape in 2001.