


2 months, 3 days ago



"There is no such thing as paranoia. Your worst fears can come true at any moment."
―Hunter S. Thompson

A softhearted albeit bedraggled and paranoid dhampir mage.


"Mircea- just, Mircea… ahah.”


Full Name: Mircea Dragavi (no longer introduces or uses his last name, due to its ties)

  • Mircea: Romanian masculine name meaning peace- ironic, isn't it… he can never seem to find any.
  • Dragavi: Not a ‘real’ last name. His great-grandfather made it up. Even so, stories have been passed down about its supposed legacy, and as such, it has gotten quite a reputation among vampiric circles. 

Nickname(s): Mirc, Mirce, Baba, Uncle Mircea

Gender & Pronouns: Cis Male; he/him

Sexuality: Gay

Age: 36

Birthday: March 13

Race/Species: Dhampir (half Vampire, half Human)

Area of Study: Mage, akin to a witch in some regards. Particularly well-trained in blood magic and summoning.

Job: Works at Wayfinder's Curiosities, a spiritual/magic shop, for its owner, Mrs. Graeme.

Theme Songs: Who Can It Be Now?, Agoraphobia, Ramblings of a Lunatic


"Nono- I’m fine, really, just uh… need a nap.”


Alignment: Neutral Good

Archetype: The Innocent/ The Hermit

Enneagram: Type 5 Wing 4 (The Philosopher)

Alignment: Wounds of the past have left Mircea with a less than sound mind. Paranoia and superstition has been deeply ingrained into his psyche- he thinks himself a coward. Mistrustful of strangers, Mircea mostly keeps to his circle. With close companions he is more open, but rarely one to speak of his troubles unprompted. Underneath the caution that he keeps with him at all times, Mircea is a kindhearted man who tries not to start trouble- usually it finds him anyways, though. In the end, he isn't looking for wealth or power- instead, he wants peace and companionship. Mircea is very superstitious and prone to believing all sorts of conspiracies- some true, some less so. Has trouble keeping track of his thoughts, so ends up trailing off and rambling a lot.

Likes: Magic, witchcraft, reading, writing, tea, silence, listening to music, gardening (though he isn't very good at it), rain, incense, sleeping, funny socks, crocheting & knitting, the colors red/orange/green

Dislikes: Knocking, loud noises, dark corners, rich people, social events, cooking, being grabbed, the color blue, open spaces, salespeople


"Oh, my fingers don’t hurt- bit numb though.”


Height: 5'3

Description: Mircea has a short and thin body, with a dull light skin tone. His posture is slightly bent. He doesn't take very good care of himself, leading to him being somewhat frail and usually tired. From a glance Mircea might be able to pass as human, but upon closer inspection he has a lot of vampiric traits- unnaturally red irises, pointed ears, and small fangs. He usually keeps his wavy black hair tied up into a messy bun and has a short scruffy beard. The tips of Mircea's clawed fingers have been blackened by magical rot and his hands are covered in a multitude of scars and nicks from practicing blood magic. His hands have a slight constant shake. Scruffy enough to be mistaken for a werewolf to the uninformed. Mircea mostly dresses in comfortable, loose outfits with layers to keep himself warm. He is fond of sweaters and fun socks- rarely ever dresses to impress, rather to make himself happy. Usually he has gloves or bandages over his hands. 

Blood Type: O negative


"I uh.. I’ve mostly blocked that all out.”


Part I - Bloody Beginnings

The Dragavi family was once a legend known for grandiose tales of slayed dragons and dark magics, started by the beloved folk legend that was Mercedes Dragavi. But as times have changed, the once noble vampire clan fell into ruin within the modern era.

Vaughn sought to change that. A ruthless man driven to overcompensate for his feelings of inadequacy, he used his relentless hunger for power to take anything and everything he could. He felt that as an immortal, he should not be tied down, and instead the one to rule over ‘lesser’ species. In order to do that, Vaughn delved deep into the world of magic.

His interest in the craft led him to meeting a witch with an aptitude in such- Elena. While she was human, Vaughn was drawn to her unnatural magical prowess, something not even most vampires would stand a chance against. At first, their relationship was well enough. He showered her with affection over the magic gifts that she had, and she helped him put an end to any obstacles that were in his path to greatness.

Time passed and they married, having two children- the eldest, a meek child, named Mircea, and the younger, a fiery soul, named Silas. With this passage of time Vaughn and Elena’s marriage had slowly turned foul- his narcissistic tendencies and lack of empathy leading him to abuse both his wife and children when they didn’t meet his impossible goals of perfectionism. Elena, tired as she was, stayed for her children, trying to appease the man she once thought she loved and teaching the two brothers her craft.

It only got worse as the children grew, and at some point what little love there was in Elena’s heart had been beaten down. She fled in the night, never to be seen again by either of her children or Vaughn. Eleva leaving seemed to be the straw that broke Vaugn’s back. He trained Mircea and Silas mercilessly, now the two being the only outputs left that the man threw his rage upon. He was a violent man who drank his woes away about ‘what could have been’.

Mircea as a child tried his hardest to please the man, though no matter what he did it never seemed to be enough. He became compliant and soft spoken, afraid to go against orders lest he be punished. Silas, on the other hand, fought back with equal fire in his heart. He was a restless child who decided if he couldn’t do what his father wanted, he would do exactly the opposite. Even though the two were opposites in many ways, they loved each other, and when there was nobody else to turn to, they always had their sibling.

Mircea lived in these conditions until Silas’ ceremony of maturity. Before this, Mircea had put off his own ‘transition into adulthood’, which meant being turned into a fullblood vampire, until Silas was going to. But Silas had other plans when his time came. Now an adult, Silas confronted his father, telling him he wasn’t going to respect his wishes, and live his own life far away from this hellhole. Vaughn did not take this kindly. In a fit of panic, that he could possibly be turned against, that his horrid use of fear to control was not working, that he was going to be left powerless to change things to the way he wanted, he beat Silas in the back of the head while he was turned, accidentally killing the young man.

Mircea was horrified. Once the two had realized that Silas was gone, he ran. Coward, he told himself. He had nothing except the clothes on his back, the only thought in his head to get as far away from that man as possible. 

…He had heard about an island, a place where people like him could seek refuge. 



Part II - Found and Lost Family

Run. Run. Run.

The next few months were a blur of travel and a deep hole of grief that seemed like it would never be filled, threatening to swallow him whole. Silas was gone. He had left him- he had stood there, frozen. He just… ran. It felt like all he could do now was run. He stowed away on a boat to get to the island of Briar, though without any identification or money, he was left on the streets. 

He survived off of stolen food and shelters for some time, though never seemed to be able to find any stability within himself or his place in life. That was until he was caught sleeping outside in the rain by a lycan- who happened to be the member of a rather tight knit pack of werewolves. He told the dhampir that he could stay with them, which Mircea agreed to, and was thus taken in like a wet cat.

Obviously mentally shaken up and very quiet, Mircea was met by wariness by some of the others, especially due to the fact he was partly a ‘bloodsucker’. Though the longer he stayed around, the more he became adopted into the rather large family in a way. Mircea used his witchcraft to help the pack, becoming their resident spellcaster.

When the pack would leave for ‘family hunting trips’ and other outings, Mircea stayed behind to keep their home safe. During one of these trips, though, they stayed out longer than planned. Days turned into weeks, which turned into months- and yet Mircea stayed, a hermit in a now disheveled living space, waiting for the only family he really had left. But they never came.

Loneliness slowly ate away at the man. He absorbed himself into further studies of witchcraft, denying the idea that the others that had once lived with him simply were not going to return. That they might have left him behind. Physically and mentally weak, it left him very vulnerable to forces of things far out of his realm of knowledge.


Part III - He Who Watches

I can't get out- this should lead out. Where is the door? It just keeps going. Please let me out. I need to get out. I need to get away. It’s going to see me… They- they’re not REAL. I didn’t mean to- let me go. I’m sorry, please, whatever this is, please not anymore…

I̵t̵ ̴s̷e̴e̶s̴ ̴m̴e̴.̷ ̶I̸t̴.̶ ̸S̵e̶e̴s̷.̵ ̴M̷e̵.̸ ̵I̵ ̶c̷a̵n̴ ̶s̶e̷e̸ ̸i̵t̶,̴ ̴t̸o̶o̵.̷ ̴S̵t̴a̵n̵d̴i̸n̴g̴ ̸t̵h̸e̸r̵e̸,̴ ̶b̶u̷t̸ ̶i̵t̷ ̵c̸a̵n̶n̷o̶t̷ ̴s̴t̸a̴n̵d̴,̵ ̵a̵n̶d̶ ̶i̷t̷ ̵c̸a̴n̷n̶o̸t̴ ̸s̷e̸e̸,̷ ̴d̶a̶r̶k̴n̵e̴s̷s̴ ̴d̵o̵e̴s̷n̵’̸t̴ ̷h̵a̵v̸e̷ ̶e̸y̶e̷s̵,̵ ̷b̵u̸t̵ ̵i̷t̶ ̵d̵o̸e̵s̸,̵ ̶d̶o̴e̶s̸n̷’̵t̷ ̴i̵t̴?̷ ̵I̷t̴ ̵h̴a̶s̷ ̵m̴i̶n̷e̵ ̸n̵o̴w̷,̶ ̸w̸a̴t̶c̷h̸i̷n̷g̴ ̵i̶t̶ ̶b̵a̴c̶k̴.̴ ̸I̵s̶ ̶t̴h̵i̴s̴ ̵w̸h̸a̶t̵ ̶t̷h̵e̴y̶ ̴c̴a̴l̴l̴ ̷s̷t̸a̴r̴i̷n̶g̵ ̸i̷n̶t̵o̸ ̵t̷h̶e̴ ̵v̸o̸i̵d̸?̷ ̴I̴ ̷c̶a̵n̶’̵t̴ ̶s̷e̸e̸ ̸a̶n̶y̸t̸h̵i̴n̶g̴ ̵a̷n̴y̴m̸o̶r̷e̵.̴ ̸T̶h̸e̶r̸e̵’̵s̴ ̵n̶o̴ ̷h̶o̴p̵e̵.̷ ̴T̸h̶e̸ ̸t̸o̶r̶m̸e̵n̴t̶s̷ ̷o̴f̷ ̴h̷e̵l̵l̵ ̷I̵ ̶w̶o̴u̷l̴d̵ ̶g̵l̸a̷d̷l̸y̷ ̸t̴a̵k̸e̵ ̴w̴i̷t̸h̵ ̸o̶p̶e̵n̶ ̷a̴r̴m̵s̴.̴ ̵A̸t̸ ̸l̶e̶a̸s̷t̵ ̸t̵h̴e̶ ̶p̴a̴i̸n̸ ̴c̶o̶u̶l̴d̷ ̶t̴a̷k̶e̷ ̶a̷w̵a̵y̴ ̴f̵r̴o̴m̸ ̶t̶h̷e̴ ̷d̶r̸e̴a̷d̶.̶

F̷̲̲͉̗̩̬̋̽r̵̠̙͔̒̓̽̾̀̎ơ̸̛͕̪̠̽̑ͅm̶̹̯̥̱̰͒̈́͛̇́͌͋̾ ̶̪͌͆͑͗͊͘f̸̛͇͚̊̎e̵̝͊a̴͖͔͑r̸͉͖͍͇̼͈̔́̈́̈́̾͆͘ ̷̮̤̐̐͂̎͐í̶̥̼͎ẗ̶̯̰́͂͆̏̎͐ş̴̛̛̟̣͖͉̉͗͝ͅȩ̷̘̳̀̿̉̕l̴͍̺̜̏̄̐̂͝͠f̶̧̧̝̜̠͗͂̈͆͌̕̕.̷̻̟̉̐̐͒ ̸̨̡͎̼̣͐̉̎͐I̸͕̠̲͔̖͂̈́̇͑͌̏͒͝ ̶̗̟̪̟͉̬̃̄͋͜a̵̩̯̐́͂̊̾̽͝m̵̲̗̰̎͗͊͗͑̂͝ ̴͖̈́̊̄̒̽͊͗͠ẅ̶̡̮͓̪͕́a̷̡̱̟̯̦͍̫͔͆̋̅̈́̌͠t̷̢̛͈̰̭̪̻͒͆̇̏͗͛ͅc̴̡͚̠̣̦̺̙̋͝h̵͍̳͔̊͗̅͜i̸̛̯̭͈̟̠͛͋͛̋̋̽̆ͅͅn̶̪̝̮͔̱̗̋̒͆̚ͅg̸̛̲͎̬͇̼̈͌̔̽͘͝ ̵̣̦̯͚͎̅i̸̦̒͐̎̏̎̈́̋ṯ̷̨̫̗̉̍̔̓̿̒͘͜ ̶̲̱̻̳̈́̒̚d̸̨͇̘̠͔̯͛́e̵̯̲͍̻͛́̈́̓͜͠ͅs̶̛͎̝̼̝̹̊̓̄̃̓͒͠ṫ̸̖͔̣̱͔͚͕r̵̛̗̤̫̆͐̉̎̌͠ǫ̸̛͋̌̒̆y̴̪͚͙͔̣̐͊̀͝ ̶̥̮͌̑̃t̶̨͍͕̦̄̍ḫ̸̹̈́͗̍̕i̶̫͆͌̐ͅŝ̶̺̽ ̶͕̯̮͙̀͂̄͌͊̓̈́͝d̵̜̫̖̘̼̓͠r̶̻͍̾̏̈̾͊ȩ̸̟̻̽͌̿̎̄̑̿ả̴̠̦m̴̧̡̛̖̗̻̼̣̬̋̿̆̆̀̓-̷̢̢̡̜̺͉͍̥̑̅̍̄ ̷̰͓̫̮͍̖̭̿̂̎̌͝ñ̷̢͎̬̦̫̺́̊͗̈́͘͠ó̸͔͈̲̎͑̾͌̚͠,̵̢̧͓̞̪͔͌̃͋̋̈́͑ ̷̡̦̩͗ṅ̵̥͕͙͐͛͆̈́̚ͅi̴̹̝̻̅͊̍̈͝g̷̢̐̃̎͂̔̄̀ẖ̵̡̥̱̝̒̃͑͐͋̈t̴̗̰̣͂̏̎͆̇̏m̵̝̬̦̘̼̓̽̄̿̊̾̕̚͜a̶̩͖̻̅̍͘r̸̛̰̞̻̖̘͈̺͆̑̑̊̚̕ͅę̵̦͙̜̥̟̻̰̔̃̂͋͆̌͝,̷̟̅̋̈́̒̈́̊̍̀ ̴̝̮̙͎̄̎́̎w̵̪͉̣̠͕̳̑o̴̡̙͎̰͙̫͉͑̀͆̄̈͆̒̓͜r̸͇̙̫̪̿̏̀͐l̴̨̢̡̧̥̜̯̏̀d̶̨̟̗̞̳̥́͂̉̾̄̆,̸̡̝̺̦͓́̎͒͑ ̴̟̺̣̞̦͓́̉͂̒̚á̸̗̯̬̼̇̎r̵̛͍̙̩͚̦̭̜̭̿̍̈́̎̚o̶͍̝̹͕̬̍͆̿̋͘͠u̷̢͔̩͂̓̊n̶͍͎̩̩̘͑̒͑̀̋̋̕ͅd̶̢̫̺̬̘̘̿͆̌́́̈́͐ ̵̛̜̦͗͆m̵̫̠͙̼̱̗̒͜ȅ̶̞̈́͐̕,̸̧̗͍̓̐̓̋́́̀̀ ̸̟̓a̷̱͎̞̭̾͑̅͜n̸̡̦̥̬͉̤̦̣̋͠d̴̙̻̟̀̈́͐̄̚̕ ̶̙̗̙̎̈́̌̔̑̊̊͗Ỉ̶̛̮͓̤̮͗̈́̓̄͘ ̴̨̜̮͚̱̞̉a̴͎͑͋̒̓͊̚̕m̶̜̲̠͒̉̈́̐̆̕ ̸̠̂͊̃͑̾f̵̩͑̑͗̓͝ă̴̲̳͍͖̜̯̅͛̆̈̓͜l̶̫̥̞̜̫̗̃l̷̖̃͂̆̉̒͆͝i̷̛͈̽̑͗n̴͚̟͖̬̝̝̉̀͑̈́ĝ̶̦͓͎ ̸̧͕̺͇̻̳̣͕̓̀̾̉͝͝ẁ̴̳͉̼̥ͅi̴̪̿ţ̸̳͒̅̆̽̀̍͘͝h̸͙̰̙̜̯̱͆͘͜͠͝ ̵̗̥̻̋͌i̵̳̅͑̌̾͛̐͊t̵͕̝̂̆,̸͈͝͠ ̷̛̝̙̲̖̳̼͔̍̄̕a̸̲̫̠̔n̶̻͒̓͑́͋͘͝d̵̬̱͔͑̏̂͌ ̸̮̣̳̲̲̍ͅt̸̼̝͉̭̗̯̭́͂͋̓ḩ̴̜̫͙̜͓̐͂͆̀͐͒̆ͅë̸̞̫́r̴̠̰̘͈̝̓͑͝e̸̹̹̎̌͋͛͌͗͘̚ ̶̱̠̤̘̻͇̍͛͜ͅi̵͕͗̇̓ṡ̴̡̘̟͍̹̦̩͍͋͂̉̈́͘ ̵̛̹͔̮̯̳̥̆͐̌n̷̢͔̻̱̗̝̺̄̍̇͊͐͜ő̶̡͓̹̹̤̞̱̦̆͗͠t̵̳̒̒̓́̃͘h̴̟̮̲̦͕̣̋̋i̴̼͈̠̜̘̲̣͎̽̇̽ņ̴̙̝̠̦̱̄̃̀ͅĝ̴̨͓̯̳͎͗,̷̺͒̓̒̆̆̃͘ ̴̼̙̼̝̺̲̩̈͋̔̑̽t̴̪̰̠̝̪̞͝͠h̶̞͍̠̓̊́́̀̕ê̷̖̺̰͚̗̊͘͠r̸͉̗̔̚͝e̸̛̜͎̖̙̩̖̪͕̍̎́̈́̿̃̈ ̶̧̛͍͍̺̫̝̱h̵̛̞̰̿̓̀͝ą̶̥͕̥̝͔̺̦̈́͊͐̎̒̈́s̴̡͚̯̭͋̌͋͗̆͘ ̵̡̨͔͈̆ą̷̡͎̹̹̮͕̾̅̕l̷͙̱̹̦͓̉̒͆w̸̧̠̫̰̩̰̝̄̃̚ȃ̵̹̯̌̈́̓͌̐̈́y̶͙̩͛̑͒̋̾͝͠s̴̺̤̹͝ ̷̫̫̜̱̜͈̻͙̑b̷̻̯͙̰̬͊̈͑̈́̒ẻ̸̻̣̤̫̳̬͒̒́ȇ̷͈͎̯̠̠͒̿̈̅̽͜ņ̶̟͎̆͘ ̶̧̤͕̹̖͉́͆͒̍͘n̸̨̨̹͍̜̳̬͊̓͒̃̌̔̓̒ŏ̸̧̘͔̘̘͐̿͒̉ť̷̡̝̓̍̋́̑̏h̶̫̪̥̘͚͙͚͈̽̅͝i̵̧̙̺̭̝̤̍̐̒̽̂ń̸̤͕͉͐̇̑̽g̸̝͚͍̓̒̀,̵̱̻͎̻̀͋͛̔̄͝ ̴̮̞̂̈́̿í̴͉̕ţ̸̳̦̙̘̳͆͒͜ ̶̧̗̤̟̮̲͆̎̀̆͝ḧ̵̙́̀̏̈́a̸̢̕d̸͓̮̬̼̰̯̦̾̌͋̀̽͒̈̕ ̸͎̊̽̽̃́́͝n̶̠̜̆͌̓̓͒ȅ̴̛̱͎̱̰̈́̆̅̈̃͠v̷̦̖̙͈̱̎̀͒̓e̵͎̠̖͇̓̎͌͜r̸̲͍̟̝͉̄͂̌͐̄͝͠͠ ̵̘͖͔͎̺̌̒͌͗̃̌m̶̨̩̟̰̘̟̲̞̒̇ë̴͙̭͔̗̫̫͔̱̆̐͌͝͠͠á̴̳͓̖̯͎̘̃̆͆̒̅́͝n̴̛͇̽̍̏ͅt̴̢̮̮̥͊̕ ̸̧̠̫̖̻̽a̴̟͍̫͔̝̾̔̾͂̀n̴̟̍͐́́̊̅̌͌y̴̧͓̣̹͔͖̙̎t̴̢̜͐̀͆́̀͑͗̚h̶͓̰̦͔̮̭͛̂͂̂́͆̇i̴͉̼͓̻͌̊͋̔͠n̷͚͖̈́̓͊͐́̕͝͝g̴̭͚̘̖̫͙͇͛̌̉͘͜͝.̶̗̍̕ ̴͖̞͍̈́̽͛̓̉̏A̴̤̹̬͊ļ̸̩̮͎̆͒͐̅l̷̲̱͕̩̗̂̎͊ ̵͈̝̝̞̌̇o̸͕͉͐f̵̘͖̙̍̓͐̉̌̍̿ ̸̻̭̹͚͙̩̎̉ť̵̨͙̺̊̇͠ḥ̸̡̙̤̃̆͠i̸̪̭̰̽́͑̿̅̀̀ŝ̶̛͚̀̈́͂̕͝ ̵̭͔̊̈́͘͝ḩ̴͍̬̺̣̠̗̮̆̕a̵̢̡̯͎̺̯̍͋̽͗̉͝s̶͉̖͖̮͌̈̉͊̔͜ ̴̨̨̞̻̣̲̪͓̅̋̑͒̂͗̋͠b̸͉͚̦̦̊̏̇́̃̄̽̔͜ę̵̡̛͚̳͇͔̜̐̐͘é̸̦̹̆n̴̢̼͓̮̈́́̀ ̶̡͍͓͗̐̂͛̄͝f̴̢̙̙͇̀͗̎͘ö̸̢̦̐̒̂͛r̵̡̖͇̯̻̈́̇̒̂̏ ̵̛̦̹̣̯͋͆̂̉̂̍̕ņ̶̠̺͈͉̄͗͛͂́͜ô̸͍͇̾͌͆̎͝t̵̲̭͉̣͖̹̫̱́̈́͝h̶̫͔̰̪̋͠i̷̡̟̘͎̭̗̗͖̎͑̀͌n̷̳̪͗͌̈́̃̔g̶͓̙̔̈́̏̍̑.̶̮͙͍̥̻̱̃ ̸̮̺͇̳͍̽͝͠W̵̤̍̾̋h̴̼̏͗̂͐y̶̢̛͗̀͑̉̆ ̶̨̛̘̞͕̩̐̑̋͘̚͝ḓ̸̅̆̏͋ĭ̵̡͉̮̪̂̎̎͘d̷̲̼̼͎̳̅̑̏̄͘͝ ̵̧͕̤̱̹͓̭͑̍̈̈̕͜I̸̡̭̝̺̯͖̮̟̊̇̔̈́̚̚̕ ̸̛̣̈́͂ṛ̶͈͓̯̈́ù̸̜̺̮̟n̵̹̪̤̳̣̝̄̾̂́͂͒̒͝ͅ?̴̧̧̭̩̀͗̈́͊͗̈͜ ̶̞̞́̿͘͘͜Ẁ̷̛͈̻͕̟͌̋̇̿̽h̸̰̠̒y̷̩̩̦̠̟̺̔̉̆̂̀̃̄ ̶͓̟͈͖̹̋d̷̬͔̯̘͓͖̬̞̈́͐̎͊̐̚i̶̢̛̪͈̜͓͕̖͒̈́͊͒̓͊d̶̥͉̥̜̓̈́͌́͌̓̕͜ ̷̧̛̜͈̰̔̀̐I̴̘͛̎̍͂͘̚̚͝ ̴̢̘͎̗̭̭̣̔̎ş̷̤͉̟͖̹̉t̵͍̣͖̤̫̱̪̆̽̇̓́à̷̼͇̭̜̮̟́̈́y̴̢̖͌̅̚͝?̴̡̼͠

T̶̪̬̱̫͎̯̫̲̈́̅͋̈́͑̉̔͛́͑̌̌͋͐h̴̢̛̤̯̲͎͖̦̺͇͍̲̞̰̎̑̅̅̎̃̂́̃͘͜ẽ̸̼ỷ̸̱͉̥̯̞̝̖̗̜̌̾̊͒̂̋̕͘͠ͅ ̶͕̅̂̈́̉̆̃̿̕w̶̨̘̫͇̥̞̻̗̉̋͂̀͌̇̄͊̽̾̿́̌̓̋o̷͈̫͚̜͓̽̓̊̉͐̒̈͋͛̈́̃̚͘͠͠͝͝n̴̖̘͈͈̱͚̝̈̓̈́̀͂͝’̷̛͎͉̦̲͈͕̯̓́̊t̷̨͕̏̔͗̽̿͋̋̔̊͌̌̒̈́̇̕̚ ̷̣͒̑͝l̵̡̼͇͓̪̝̀͗ǐ̶̮̠̙̺̹̋̂͊̽͠ś̵̛͚̩̠͛̽̌̔͛̅̅̈́͐̈́̋͑̚͝t̶̻̦̺̪͉̖̲͔͎͗͑͆͒̀́̓̚e̶̘̱̞͈͎̬̝̜̬̼͇͕͚̟͑̑̆̈́͑́͗͒͒̔̈́̅͋͜͠͝n̶̛̫̭̦̞͎̥̲̫̟͕̼̲̺̞̹̞͍̽̈́̽̐͑̂̐̚͝͝.̶̻̮̯̮̍̊͠ ̷̖̮̟̽͑̊̈͑͐̓Ẅ̶̢̗̙͙̪̘̫͖́͊̏͆͒̅̎̋̽̈͛́͛̾͂͝H̴̢̼̗̹̣̱̪̼̳̤̓́̓̊͗̉̔̽͊̐͛̕͜Y̴̡̢̧̦̬̯̥͍̗̟͓̅͝ ̶̳̘̱̔̑́̓̋̇̓W̷̗͇̠̆̐͌̄̇̐̔̈̆̌̑̈́͘̚Ǫ̶̨̢̞̫̘̺̜̼̤̟̮͖͍̒̎̃̂͂͜Ņ̵̢͎̞̞̙̗͈͐̒͗͐’̵̺̥̄̀̋T̸̡͓̰̙̲̩̬͗̑̽͜ ̵̧̢̛̛̛̬̠̻̼͍̰̜̽̀̋́͑́̅̓̅̂̎̕Y̵̦̻̠̜̖͒̎̄̌̈́̈̓͐̈́͋̈͒̂̆͘͝ͅÓ̶̜̪̺͍͍͓̗̗̼͉̤̈́͒͐̽͛̈́̋̃͘͜͠U̴͇͚̩͖̺̻̞̲̺̜̻͓͕̺͑̊́͛̉̑͐̈́̃̄̅̚̕͠ ̶̛̻͇̺̮̔̍̏͠L̶͉͚̫̦̥̟͆̋̚Į̷̛̜̭̼͇͇̠̠̌͋́̾̅̽͐̽̎̒̔̿̏͘Ş̶̡̢̛̟͕̗͍͖̮͎̾̐̋̓̾̀̽͂̎̿͋̕͘͠͝T̷̼̟͚̀ͅẸ̶̢̟͚̘̘̗͚̅̂̎N̴̢̧̬̣͎̅̆́̓́̈͂̎̐̚͠?̷̡̢̛̛̳̖͓̓͂̀̋̈́͌̂̓̍̍̈͑͘ ̶̗̟̝̫̬͍͍̦̝̖̦̺͒̎̃̈́͊̾̀̊͐͝͝I̵̡̛̯̺̫̫̭̩̎͐̽͜Ţ̸͉̲̘̩͎͍͇̖̫̗̻̩͎͕͂͆͘͝ ̶̢̡͍̘͕͓̐̽́͐̚͠͝͠͝Ẅ̷͎͉̹͚̩̬̰̘̪̖̠͇̟͉̆ͅͅỈ̶̧̨̺͈̭̼̫̟̼͚̞̟͓́͝Ľ̴͈̠͈̯̪̜̻̫̗̣̯̜͈̻͐̿̕L̷̡̡̛̳̙͕͙̮͓̦̼̩͉̫̰͆̂̅͆͆̇͘͝ ̵̢̢̮̪̬͖̳̗̜̝̃̒̍̀͗͛̎̉̋̀̂̈́̂̈̕̚Ś̶̩͈̜̘̳̥̼͙͈͍̤̱̘͕̭̙̝͒͐̉̈́́͒͋́͘͠W̷̧͔͕͊̓́̅͠Ą̸̼̥̫͈͉̇͒̑̓̃͌̉͘L̷̙̪̩̙̹̯̜̽̀̒̓̆́́̇̾͝͠͝ͅL̶̲̹̦͓̥̉̾̿̾͛́͗̔̒̕O̵̧̦̠̭̮̱̦͓͔͇̥̲̟͙̪͙̿̾̐̾͗͛̄͛̃͗ͅẆ̸̨̡̙͖̣͙̤̤̙̠͓͈̗͂̂̔͑̕͜͜ ̷̡̡̲͈̣̗͚̗̳̃̓̊̈́̃͆͆̅̏̈́̆͘͝͠É̵͉̯̀̑̂̈͋̐͊͑̒̓V̴̮͍̼͎̘̱͙̱̮̠̟̩̣̤͛́̌̄̾̾͐̍͝ͅE̴̮̬̅̆͊R̵̠̩̝̪͖̱̻̺̲͈̥͙̭͚̅̄̄̑̌̅̈́̂͛͌̏͗̂̕̚͝͝ͅY̵̛̯̫̘͍̤̺̦̦͔͇̮̜̩͕̟̤͑̈̆̐̃̀̌̕͘̚Ṭ̷̨̢̛͚͚̝̞͚͇̭̩͗͌̑͛̐̊̎͗͌͋̏͆̀̓̀̆H̷̢̜͔͓͂̽̅̌͊̓̀̔͆͜͝Ì̷̢̓͒̊́N̸̛̹̠̾̀̽̇̊̋̽́̿̈́͌̕͘Ģ̷̻̟͍͙̼͍͔̻̬̈́͐͆̏͒̊͘͝,̷̡̙̟͓̬͔̯̜͈̬̺̀̉̆̏͋͌̿̀̕͜͠͠ ̷̡̪̜̤̗̥͗̌̆̾͐̾͑̅́̿̅́̚͝͝͝͠P̴̺̘̗̲͎̻̦͇̹̣̟̲̫̻̯̣̾̂L̵̙̝̺̱͙͇̻̬̈́̃͛̕E̶͙̪̘̺̙͕̟̞̳̜̜̦̗̅̔̌̒̂̈͑̓͐̌̕̚͜ͅẦ̴̯̲̯͋̾̈̏͂̈́͑̌͂͝S̶̖̳̪͈̫͍̽̏͗̎́̌͋̎̀̀̿́̃̇Ȇ̸̻͚̱̋͋͒̕!̴̧̠̯̟̹̖̳̰̬̤̲̥̃̋͌̌̀͗̃͗̅̐̀͊̕͝͠ ̵̘̹͔̒̅̅̌̄̿͗̓̄̚͝Į̶̡̭̜̝̤̹͇̯̜͎̫̜̿̓͒̓̂̃̈́͊̓̏͋̔̈̐̏͝’̷̪̲̃̂͌͋̓̈́̐̏͝ͅm̷̛̯̫͎̻̜̆̄̌̃ ̷̢̧͍̰̪͖̣̼̼͍̩̬̽͒͒͗ṣ̴̥̈́͌̎͌̔̌̑́̈́͌̏̏̐͌́͘ǫ̸̖̱̲̜̱̠͑̈̒͐̈̀͐͆̉̔̋̍r̸͕̖͇̺̩̥͇͕̫̺̺͉̻̱͌̈̽͋͂̏̉̓̈́̔̑͂͋̎́̚͜͝r̴̡̛̞͙͕̬̩̀͊͛̃̈́̔̂̒͋̀͘͝͝ÿ̸̢̡̺̻̟͇̻̰̖͍͎̖̚͝.̵̢̘͙͙̱͙̣̥̩͚̬̗͉̗̰̈́̓̽̈̊͂̊͂̋̂͛͗̾́̆́͠ ̵̩͉̼͚̳͉̞͔̭̺͈̆͛̐͌̄Ȋ̷̢̨͓͚͎̠̗̫͉̖̩͍̗̩͂̃̒́̈̀̂̀͝’̶̱̹͉͎̜͓̫̹͙̦͉̰̯̠̊̀̈́͜͝m̵̱̼̊̇̈ ̴̛̤̮̞̤͖̥̟̻͔̱̓̌ş̴̺̺̝̼̣̱̲̖̳̝͈̬̬̽͒̔̿̃͂̚͝ͅở̴̛͙̼̙̅̈́̊̓͗̈́̉̎̈́̀͑͜ͅ ̶̡̩͙͚͇̙̗̹̗͙̜̘͈̽̿̕͜͜ͅş̸̡̦̮̗̼͙͙͓̼̿́͂̈́͂̇̿ö̵̢̨̧̭̳͙͈̞͈̘̖̯̟́̂̕r̸̨̛̰̟̔͛̿́̑̾̐̓̀̀̈́͒͘͜͝͝͝ŕ̴͖̜͒͆̓̍̅͗̎͘͘͝y̷̱̖̝̙̆̀̈́̒̽̇̉̂̓̚.̴̧̺̰̖̮̪͙͎̞̲̜̥̱͚͓̝͕͋͊̾̃̀̉̃̈́̑͑͊͌̏̋̇̆ ̷̢͉̳̲͖͙͉͔̠͈̗̩͖̉̇̊͌̂̆H̴̡̖̤̰̠̯̹̯̥̫̤̥̪̭͚̰͗̈̀̈́̇̑̂̌͛́̎̃̽ḛ̵͔͉̟̭̱̻̘̼̬̫͊͑͑̈́́͜͝͝ ̵̠̦̘́̏͌̏̑͛͐̉̾̈́̋̌̕w̴̡̧͔̖̦̙̠̥͖̘̜̔͆̑̊͜ȃ̴̡̳̲̪̯̟̤̤̙͈͂̃̔̎̅͋̈̄̂̍͒̚͝t̵̛̩̭̒͐͑̈̓͗̚c̵̼̪͊̽̊ͅh̵͎̤͇̱̟͈̼͎͑̿̓̀̒̔͠͠ẽ̵̛̛̝̀̍͆͑̆͑͂͆͝͝ş̵̨̡̢͍͖̩̮͖̳̞͕͕̹̯̖̈́̐͊͜ ̶̢͙̜̭͙̹̲̰̠̈́̂̍͜ṁ̸̟̪̺̫͖̜̟̜̻̲̫̥͗̽͛̌͒̋̅̓̽͌͊̋̆̅̇͝ȩ̴̡̛̺̜̺̼̭͇͉͒̈́́̋̀̄̀̕ ̷̢̫̫̊̋̒̆̽͒͆̈́̐̓̀͂͑̈́̑͐͠n̶̗̞̭̦̣͓̯̩͈̂ȏ̵̥̠̹̤̯̺w̵̛͖̪̳̮̘̬͎͖̰͓̉̒́͐̂.̴̧̗͙͍͚̪̩͓̖͔̠͍̰͉͇͖̿̎̇̃̈́̿͒̈́̀͊̋̔͝͝ ̶̡̡̙̻̯̗̫̮̟͈̂͑͐͂̐͂̽̚I̸͔͒͗͆͐͊̆̐͠͝ ̸̙̈́̈́̀̈́̕ş̸̡̙̻̰̻̉̆̿̍̽̊̈́̽̊͒͗̿̆̄̔̚è̴̛̜͓̀̆͒́̾̓̀̿̈́̚ȩ̷̡̢̰̦͕̝͕̗̙̤̭̩̗̠̮͑̈́̈́͐̈̇̒̃ ̷̡͓͚̝͈͖̲̱̳̗̌̋͋̎́̊͆̕h̸̢̢͙̜̺͎͎̥͂͗͛̚͘͜͝ì̵̢͎̣͉̲̝̱̭̦̼̰̺͓̘̘̦̄́̿͗̄̽̍̕m̵̢̡̲̗̳̄̊͝ ̶͇̗̰̹̏̿́͒́̎̀̆̒͑̎̇̾͝u̴̩̹̱̜̠͓̰͕̫͖͊͆͗̒͋̎̽̓̈́̂̀̓̉̚͠͝n̸̗̹̤̲̜̞͖̤̳̝͓͚͇̝̬͔̖͂̌̈̊̇̄̄͑̀͛̎͝d̶͖̽̒e̷̻̅͋̄̾̉̊̏̒͝ṙ̶̨̓̊͌̕͝ ̸͇͙̺̯̞͇͔̎͆͘m̸̧̥̰͍̈ͅŷ̴̝̰͇̠̐̈̽̈̚͝ ̸͈̜̟̥̞̆̓̔̍̋̽́̓̒̔͌͗ȩ̴̧̰̠̩͔̤͖̥̭͙̤͔̳̫͆̿̒̎͗̔̈́͆́͌̇̂͜͝y̶̖͈̤̩̥͕̜̱͂ẻ̷̢̜͔̲͎̣̫̞͉͕̪͉͎̓̎̈́̂s̷̢̳͎͉̭͔͓͙͓͈̱̜̤͇̎̂̓̓̓̐͆̎̏͘͜͝͠͝,̶̢̧̡̛͍̫̬̼̥͖̮͎͈͈̪̱̿̓̎̐͌͋̈̔̄͆͠ ̶̙̼̑̏̂w̴̡̥̘̿̀̈́̃͌͠͝ḧ̴̝͇͎̖͍́͑̓̏̋̆͋̂͐̈́͘ę̶̢̛̻̗̘̦̳̖͎̭͇̥̎̒̈̏́̋̍̿̈͑͘̕͝ͅr̴̢͎̮͕̭̖͔̝͔̰̩̭̰̿́͗̈́͊͊̀̋̿̇̚͝͝͠ḗ̶̳̘̞̔̽̽̔̍͆͒̓̋̾̍̽͐ ̴̡͚̞̪̮̮̩͈̻͔͎̱͐̓̓̃̍̉ͅI̷̞̝̯̯̩͓̖̲̅̾ ̷̨̯̳͙̻̠̹̱͉̄c̸̛̰̤͇̹͕̊̑͒̂ͅá̶̛̟̣̾̒̈́͂́́̈͋̒̐̂̅̚̕n̶̳̪̺͍̫͚͙͖̰̭̦͒́͒̅͋͛̎͝͠n̴̡͓̳͙̰̺̪̲͎̠͎̿̎̊̿̈́̓͐͋́̒o̷̱̺̺̐͊͗͒̍̀̏̾͌̑̆͘t̴̯͕͕̟̦̯̯͛̌̊͆́̓̇̽̆̅̚̚ ̵̡̡͚͍̲͚̯̫̳̫̝̌̔́̃̍̈́̿̓̕p̷̛̘̖̺̞̃͒̈́̑̐̄̑̾̑̇̔͘̚͝͝ȕ̷̡̨̖͙͙̟͙̝͈̥̠̻̏͐̀̅̋̔ḽ̵̛̝̩̤̈̾̇̈́̇́͐̂̏̽̂̒̉̒͘͝l̴̢̨̛̖̯̺̯͚̻̫̬̞̜̳̮̙̲̭̅͒ ̸̧̗̮̠̜̜͙͓̂͗͋͜ͅͅa̷̡̛͇͕̯͖̰̞̟͓̰̓́́̑͗̏̆̈͑͐̔͆̿̑͜͝ẉ̵̧̡̤̥̱̟̟̖͔̭̺̥͓̻͇̈́̓̿̍͆̓̽͘͝͝͝͝͝ả̷̧̪̗̟̹̲͖̭̮̹̖͙͗̈́̑̾̀̿́͛̄̔̑̒͒̚y̶̛͚̟̗̳͎̟̟̱̩̰̫̞͐̅͌̇̃̔̑͊͊́̂̓̏̚͜͜͝͝ͅ ̵̮͚̪̖̖̺͆͌̽̐̌́̿̀̈́͆̐͜͝ť̶̲̦̾̊̔̃̾̃̍́̆̃̕̚͝h̸̼̮̄̾̐̽͑́̈̐̀̉́̎͂̔͝͠͝e̷͓͕͕̺̲̪̭̽̀͌̀͠ ̶͈̹̘͌̊̑͑̀̈̎̿͆͘Ň̴͙̯͛͐͛̓̇͋̚͝͝͝͝o̷̧̫̼̬̯̳̫̺͑̃̓͑͐͋̀̄ẗ̵̬͂̓͐̿͠͝h̴̡̦̳̝̦̰̤̤͍̼̠̏̑̑̽̇͆̀į̶̧͉̪͈͈̲͚̝͖̪͇̰̿͐͆̓̈́́͊̊̄̑̐̿͋̆͝n̶̡̡̨̟̼̬̲͚̯̜̺̺̮̼͕̓͌̃̒̅͗̽̀̐̾̅͘̚̕g̸̡͉̻͇͖̰͍͇̺̮͎͇̗̪̣̈ͅ.̶̢̛̙̤̘̤̝̜̘̪͙̞̟͗͑̏͂͋͊̎̔͛́ ̴̥̳͎̥̰͓̹͇̄́̾̓͐̕I̵̢̧̨̦̬͌͂͒ ̶͕̘̬̙̠̟̺͕̿͒͌̓̍͋̈́́̈̈́̍̽̌̚̕͝͝ͅç̸̱̥̥̘̲̟̜̠̘̳͒̕å̵͖̓͋̓̇̄̓̔̀̃͗̏̃͗n̴̡̨̧͙̤̯̩̗͕̗̗̉͗̈̐̿̀͊̏̉̂̀̕͝͝ ̸̖̺͌s̶̢̡̧̪̳̝̣̪͙̭̝̭̪͓̀͊̌ȩ̵̨̥̻͍̣̣̙̮̲͓̦̍̀̎̿̋̊̊̌͐̾̔e̵̝͚͓͉͍̙͉͕͛̾͐̉̾̿͘͠,̵̢̜̯̖̺̝̬͉̝̰̹͓̀́̽͌̇͌̈́̋̈́͆͛̄̔̀̌̓̕ ̸̼̗̬̘̯̺̠̹̝̖͓͈̇̇̋͗̑̊͝N̴̡̮̩̻̠͙̼͈̬͖͚̯̫͈͔̒̈́̊̐ͅͅȏ̵̲͍̙̩̯̜̔͜t̴̢̧̞̫͇̩͇͔̞́̕ḫ̷̡̛̮̝̣̲͉̫̲̳̹͇̭̱̣̆̈́͋͒͂̎̇͊́̽̆̄͠i̷̡̢̩͈̖̔́͑ṅ̷̬̜̼͓͚̥̟̞͙̹̺̈́̊̀͠ḡ̷̛̤͔̜̾̔̑̄̀͠͝.̵͚͎͖̟͚͎͖̮̰̱̹͗͐



Part IV - A New Start

Police were notified of loud noises coming from what had been assumed to be an empty house, and after searching in the decrepit building, Mircea was found alone. He was in complete hysterics, and ended up attacking the officers via magic while being brought out, before running from the scene.

Running into the forest surrounding the town, Mircea continued to live in solitude for a while, having lost much of his grasp on reality. He doesn’t remember much of this part of his life anymore now, though the utter fear that came from it is not something he has been able to forget so quickly. Because he knew now, it didn't matter how far he ran, or how fast, or how well he hid- he would always find him. Eventually time led him back to civilization, back into the home that no longer felt like one, and with people who he felt very distant from. That was until a British scientist he came across inquired about his magic, and the two started to talk.

Stanley Wright, or ‘Stan’, became a friend to Mircea- a connection he desperately needed and one that, without, he would have likely had a very different story. The two hit it off right away and in that way had someone to lean on when dealing with the strange town that they lived in. Their friendship was going quite well until one day Stan seemed to have a sudden switch in behavior, yelling at Mircea to leave and stop hanging around him. Mircea was crushed and bewildered, though his feelings turned more to confusion when Stan immediately apologized to him afterward and seemed equally lost with what had just happened. 

Come to find out, this change in behavior was Stan’s protector ego, which was trying to keep him safe by staying away from people that this alter personality deemed dangerous. It was rough at first, though this alter, who later introduced himself as Jack, learned that Mircea didn’t pose any danger- and instead wanted to help the two, not hurt them. Jack may have been reckless and rude at times, though it was also clear to Mircea that he was just trying to keep them out of danger. When others tried to ‘get rid’ of Jack, Mircea was there to stand by his side, in the same way that Stan had stood by him when the dhampir was in a time of need. Through this friendship and many others that he had gained on a path to healing, Mircea found his way back onto his feet. 

His mental state, though, was still shaky at best. It especially took a turn for the worse when Mircea was informed of what had happened to the lycan pack that he had called family- torn to pieces by vampires while away from home. He fell back into a depressive state and started to gain a more dangerous stress response, once almost beating a vampire to death after they had mocked Mircea’s loved ones. 


Part V - Moving Upwards

Like he had done many times before in dark places, Mircea secluded himself. Though this wouldn’t last long, during this time he found a strange sight in his garden- a corpse boy of the same species as KALAVUS, though much younger. Mircea named him Mateo, after the tomato plants that he had found the boy in. He quickly grew fond of the boy, wanting to make sure that Mateo was taken care of well. But Mircea knew that he had enough trouble taking care of himself, so turned to one of the people he knew that had experience taking care of children, a wolf man named Rowan. 

Learning how to care for Mateo is what forced the dhampir to take better care of himself, and with the help of his new crush, realize that Briar had brought him a lot more pain than happiness- he of course cherished a lot of people within the island, though it felt at times that the place would be the death of him. It was a hard choice, whether to leave the place that he had called home for so many years, the place he met some of his favorite people in his life. But it also had been the place where Mircea had had his lowest moments. So, perhaps, it was time for a change of scenery, and that maybe through this he could learn to change, too. 

With the help of Rowan he left for the mainland, moving to a small town where the wolf man had originally grown up. While it had its own set of problems, it was a change of pace. After finding a place for the three to stay, Mircea realized it was time for him to find a job to help pay.

During his hunt he found a small business called Wayfinder’s Curiosities, a magical shop run by the eccentric Mrs. Graeme, a witch past her prime with high spirits and a lively attitude. The business drew Mircea in when he needed to buy more supplies for his own magical work, and after the two chatted for a bit Mrs. Graeme offered Mircea a job within her establishment. Mircea gladly took up the offer and since then has been helping around the shop and occasionally doing spells for customers that request it. 

Mircea has been able to find some peace in the town, and his days are filled with caring for his new loved ones rather than worrying about the future. Still, the dread that found him still hangs over the dhampir, ever present, and he wonders when it will try to take him again. Hopefully, not anytime soon. 


"I feel so free when I cast- like it’s the only thing that comes naturally anymore..." 


  • Blood Manipulation: Has an easier time controlling his own blood, but can also bend that of others. Doesn’t work as well on other vampiric creatures.
  • Rune Magic: Using his own life force, can create runes in the air/ on objects to then cast a variety of spells. Particularly good with wards and summoning.
  • Night Owl: Stronger during night.


  • Sun Sensitivity: Weaker during the daytime/ in the sun.
  • Physical/Mental Health: Mircea’s frankly terrible self care means he never is really at full power. 
  • Impulse: More likely to act out when he hasn’t had enough blood.


  • Paranoia: Doesn’t do well in certain situations, mostly when under extreme stress. More likely to act out unwarranted. 
  • Morality: Mircea abhors actually harming others, if he can help it. Will only fight for self defense or if panicked. 
  • Limited: Doesn’t have an endless amount of blood, which means he can only cast so much before he has to either draw from a different source or get a ‘refill’.

Additional notes:

  • Daggers: Mircea’s weapon of choice, he carries one around for safety and when he needs to draw blood for spells. Has a personal dagger gifted to him named Deicide. It has an enchantment placed on it to where he can recall it if needed.
  • Aversions: Uncomfortable around garlic, religious iconography, stakes, etc.


"You want to know MORE?”


  • Horrible at cooking. He could find a way to burn a pot of water.
  • Knows how to play the piano! He hasn't done it in a while, so he's rusty.
  • Often doesn't get the chance to sleep, so he'll pass out in random places once he gets the chance.
  • When he's stressed he likes to listen to calming music.
  • He doesn't mind short comments but hates being picked up/ carried. No touchy.
  • Does a lot of journaling and studying. His writing is like chicken scratch; you sometimes have to wonder how he can read his own notes.
  • Spirit animal is a rabbit!
  • Used to just have long sideburns and stubble but ended up growing out his beard and has yet to shave it.
  • Strictly against drinking the blood of other humanoids.
  • His ears are pierced but he doesn't wear earrings as much anymore. Lost his somewhere…
  • Without the beard, has a little bit of a baby face. Damned youthful vampiric genes.


"Nice people out there- er... some. Others, not so much...”


Silas (Brother): “I’m doing better now, Silas- I… wish you could be here to see it. Don’t think there’s a day that goes by I dont miss you, hah…”

Elena (Mother): “I wonder if she ever thinks of us out there. Hope she’s alright, despite everything…”

Vaughn (Father): “I- don’t want to think about this.”

Rowan (Partner): “Hahauagshdhehagdh…I mean- very nice man.”

Mateo (Son): “He’s so full of energy, I don’t know how he does it… I want to make sure to be there for him. No matter what.”

Stanley (Best Friend): “I’ll always have his back. I might not be able to send you back home, but… I hope to help you find one here, like you helped me.”

Jack (Best Friend): “He reminds me of my brother, always has some mischief planned… but means the best- well, most of the time! I wish he would stop getting himself into trouble, though.”

Calcina (Ancestor): “A lovely women, I always enjoy our talks. I think Silas would have liked her.”

Kaz (Found Family): “Always knows a way to light up the room, heh… I hope to have confidence like that some day.”

Tahoma (Found Family): “He’s so great with technology, and very intelligent. I… worry about him.”

Sagan (Found Family): “Please be okay- please.”

Mrs. Graeme (Employer/Friend): “I have a lot to thank her for- hope I haven’t been too much trouble.”

Kassandra (Coworker): “I'm glad I get to work with someone understanding- I wish she would take a break, though.”

Cocoa (Found Family): “She’s like a niece to me, a very sweet girl- if something were to happen to her…… I can’t promise anything.”

Zavere (Friend): “Zavere always has advice to give… we should have tea again, sometime.”

Bastien (Friend): “He makes the best pancakes!”

Mikhail (Friend): “Jack and him bickered quite a lot, hahah… I’m happy that we got to meet.”

Cyril (Childhood Friend): “I think it's great how he’s been able to help so many people- I hope he’s doing well, still.”

Riley (Friend): “It's strange, seeing such a different Cyril- but he still feels like.. no, he still is my friend. I wish ah.. his.. Mircea, treated him like one.”

KALAVUS: “...”