Art/custom comms's Comments

id love to get a basic color icon of ! you can also change the hair to be fluffier / bigger to accommodate your style if you wish! : 3

O ! I can deffo do them ^^ do u have any preferences for poses ? If not I can come up with smth !! 

You can do any pose I don’t mind! ^^

alrighty !! it should take around 3-5 days ! also would u like to see a sketch before i color? it’s fine if not !! :D

No need! Id love to be surprised! Tysm! ^^

can... can i get a custom... 😩

definitely !! :DD just lmk the details here or in PM ! Either works ! 

would here work? messages are a little confusing for me 😭

yeah that’s all good !!

or if you're more comfortable with pm, im up for whatever :3

it’s all good talking here ^^ i totally get pms being a bit confusing @_@

2 Replies