Ginger Gathering



5 years, 9 months ago


Story-Universe: "-"
Story Location: /
Genre: /

Name: Ginger Gathering
Gender: Male
Species: Horse
Fur Colour: Red, White & Black
Eye Colour: Red
Birthday: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Place of Birth: Montana, USA
Special Feature: He has canine teeth, he is a carnivore
Personality: hot tempered, strong, mysterious, aggressive, vicious, demonic, lonely,...

It's not known if he is a demonic horse from hell or just a normal horse who's possessed by a demon.
But it is said that he killed his mother while she was giving birth to him.
Because of his appearance nobody wants to be friends with him, so he's living all by himself. But he's fine with that. He actually enjoys being feared.
He's an outsider but lives close to a herd. Sometimes he comes to pay them a visit but the other horses actually wish that he'd never come.
He is actually able to speak with humans but no human ever survived meeting with him.

He's living in the USA...probably Pryor Mountains in Montana.