



If asked to add a painting to the one that decorate her tribe's cave system, she would paint something to commemorate the meteor shower! She remembers it like it were yesterday, even though she was barely more than a kit.

It was the small hours of the morning and Altamira was dead to the world, dreaming a sweet dream about flying, as she often did. But this night was not a typical one. Suddenly, her dream decintigrated and Altamira found herself drawn back to the waking world by a paw on her shoulder. It was her mother, gently shaking her to get her attention. At first Altamira was annoyed - her dream had just been getting good - but when she saw the excitement in her mother's eyes her temper cooled somewhat. She started to ask what was going on, but the older Sima simply shushed her and gestured for her to follow. Groggily, Altamira did as she was bidden. Before long the pair emerged from their cave, where the first thing Altamira noticed was that most of her other tribe-mates had come outside as well. Which was unusual for this time of night. But then... oh then! She saw the lights - bright, beautiful lights - streaking down from the heavens. Her mother smiled at her daughter's obvious amazement and guided the little one to sit next to her father. Altamira had never seen a meteor shower before, and was full of questions, but her parents simply bid her to be quiet and watch.

Which she did.

After what seemed like both an eternity and an eyeblink (but was really more like twenty minutes) it was over, and the tribe trickled back inside. Some went back to sleep. Others, like Altamira and her parents, were wide awake now and took an early breakfast. Altamira asked her questions then, and listened as her elders answered by swapping stories about past celestial events, as well as the legends they had spawned. Many if not all of these stories were accompanied by the teller pointing at a painting somewhere in the grand gallery, where they sat, or making reference to one elsewhere in the caves.

The whole experience caused Altamira's love of astronomy to bloom, and made her realize how important the paintings really were to her people. How they connected them to their past, and were a kind of 'story book' full of interesting things. Before that night, she basically just took them for granted! Which is why she'd add the meteor shower to their number.