Latch Key



9 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Latch Key






Personality:  Latchkey is fairly mature, being the eldest of the renegades. Because of this, he feels somewhat responsible for the others and tries to act as such. However he is not a particularly social pony by nature and often struggles to connect with the others. Latchkey has been known to put too much faith in his inventions and risk a scheme for it.
Latchkey is fairly patient and can remain calm in most situations. He is a realist, meaning he's often the one to come to a logical decision if ponies are fighting over something. Latchkey himself is not a fighter and if an argument turns into a brawl he'll be the first to try and dispel the situation.
He values loyalty and trust hugely. If he believes a pony is loyal he would die for them, and his loyalty to the group is rarely swayed. His trust is hard to gain and easy to lose, and if he feels he had been betrayed in any way he can be quite cruel. He also despises being disrespected and if anybody dares interrupt him they can expecting a verbal assault in return.

History: Latchkey was born into a working class family in Los Pegasus. Both his parents worked long hours and he was raised by his earth pony sister, who left to earn her own money the second he was old enough for school. He grew up more or less self sufficient, taking himself to school and walking home, cooking his own meals and clearing away, barely even existing to his parents. He did a good enough job that he quickly learnt to forge signatures for class notes and became a talented liar when he was asked how it was at home. As far as Latchkey was concerned this was the perfect life, with as much freedom as he needed.
Then the family fell on hard times when his father was demoted, having to take even longer hours with less pay. At the same time his sister, having failed her own aspirations, returned home, costing them more money. His sister was spiteful, and angrily blamed having to take care of the colt on her failed dreams, often telling him that he was the reason their family never had enough money. It became a struggle to pay all the bills, choosing one over the other, and stretched to the breaking point, something had to give.
A few days later he heard his closest friend was in hospital and knowing there would be nobody else, went to visit his friend. To his shock Backsider was both in a bad state and insisting he was running away before he was sent to a new home. Sick of being his family's money problem and knowing Backsider valued him more than they did, Latchkey ran away with him and never looked back, becoming the first true member of The Renegades.

Likes and Dislikes: Latchkey loves to invent things and is happiest sketching out a new gadget or rearranging wires. He also quite likes music, and can often be caught humming or singing as he works. He likes reading although he rarely does anymore. He likes quiet company. He also has a love of animals, though mostly the unconventional like rats and pigeons.
He dislikes being disrespected or feeling helpless. He gets frustrated when ponies attempt to take care of him and struggles to accept help, often not admitting when he's struggling. He dislikes petty fighting, and despises alcohol, barely being able to handle one drink without feeling ill.

Other: Latchkey took very little from his home when he left. Although he didn't even realise at the time, he took his house key, which he wore around his neck so he didn't lose it. Once he did realise, despite choosing to run away he felt very sentimental about the key. After some work with a file he turned it into a skeleton key, which he carries at all times, either tied to his tool belt or attached to his ear piercing.